Home » Running on the treadmill is good but be careful not to make these three mistakes that frustrate our efforts

Running on the treadmill is good but be careful not to make these three mistakes that frustrate our efforts

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Running on the treadmill is good but be careful not to make these three mistakes that frustrate our efforts

The treadmill is certainly one of the most useful tools for those who want to keep fit. When the weather outside is bad, or when we don’t have time to go to a suitable place to run and exercise, the treadmill comes to our aid.

Whether we use it in the gym or have bought one for our home, there are some rules to follow to use it correctly. Speed, type of training, incline of the base and the size of the equipment are all very important factors to consider when we decide to train on the treadmill. But we must also be careful not to make some mistakes that can cost us dearly, frustrate our efforts or even cause damage.

Let’s make sure it’s safe first

The first and most important aspect is safety. To run on the treadmill we must use suitable shoes. We choose slim and light running shoes. Then we must remember not to overdo it: let’s start with a low speed, or better still walking, in order to better adapt to the tool and gain confidence. However, when we are ready to start training seriously, we are careful to avoid these three mistakes.

Running on the treadmill is good but be careful not to make these three mistakes that frustrate our efforts

The first mistake not to make is to skip the warm-up. Even if we’re only going to do a quick jog, it’s absolutely essential to warm up your muscles. So let’s take a few minutes to stretch, focusing especially on the legs, but also on the neck and back. Warming up is essential in order not to get hurt.

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Let’s not rush too far

Running on the treadmill is good, but we must maintain the correct posture. Many make the mistake of running to the front end of the tool. This is not a good idea, because we are forced into a wrong posture and too leaning backwards. It wouldn’t be good for your back and knees. So let’s try to run in the center of the tool.

Let’s not stick to bars too much

For the same reason, we should preferably run with free arms, without relying too much on lateral supports. We can use them from time to time, especially in the walking phase, but during the run it would be better not to use them. This is because running without leaning on it allows us to maintain a much more natural and loose posture, without causing problems in the arms and hips.


Here are five habits that take 10 minutes a day to immediately improve our quality of life.

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