Home » Beware of this dangerous element that we all may have at home, because it would be the second cause of lung cancer after smoking

Beware of this dangerous element that we all may have at home, because it would be the second cause of lung cancer after smoking

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Beware of this dangerous element that we all may have at home, because it would be the second cause of lung cancer after smoking

There is very little talk about it but this pitfall for our health is more common than one might imagine. It is colorless, tasteless, odorless, radioactive and especially present in some of our homes in high concentrations. The European Code against Cancer includes, in the 12 daily anti-cancer measures, the detection of this gas in homes. We are talking about Radon. Many of us will not even know the existence of this gas but we must know that it is very widespread.

Beware of this dangerous element that we all may have at home, because it would be the second cause of lung cancer after smoking

Radon is a natural gas and its radioactivity would be demonstrated. Usually, Radon is stored underground and in rocks. In homes it is found above all where there is poor insulation with the ground below. It is no coincidence that the rooms on the lower floors are the ones most affected by high concentrations of Radon. Cellars and garages are the places that record the highest rate of gas. Pipes may also carry gas if they have microscopic cracks or cracks.

If we inhale large quantities of Radon, or rather of the elements that decay from it and that we breathe, the risk of tumors increases. This gas can also be found in drinking water. It is estimated that 10% of lung cancer cases are due to Radon with 3,200 cases every year.

When is there to worry?

A European Directive, 2013/59 / EURATOM, establishes the maximum tolerable limits. Member States will have to guarantee levels below 300 Bq / m3 for workplaces and homes. The detection of Radon concentrations is also quite difficult because they vary:

  • a few meters away;
  • with the seasons;
  • during the day;
  • based on when the climate changes (rain, sun, cold, etc.).
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The detection therefore takes place over the course of a year and meters are used. In these dispensers there is a material that reacts to the presence of the gas and decayed particles. Only in this way can a quantification of this elusive gas take place.

What to do if Radon is present

The countermeasures to be adopted are different depending on whether you live in old houses or in new buildings. The first thing to do, however, is to ventilate the premises so that the harmful gas is dispersed into the atmosphere. While for new constructions there is a real safety protocol for anti-radon buildings, for houses already built it is necessary to proceed with reclamation and rehabilitation. In this case it is possible to make windows in the cellars or garages, or proceed with the resealing of all the pipes that pass into the ground and then go up to the upper floors. For new buildings, the design of a crawl space is particularly important, that is a cavity for ventilation between the ground and the ground floor.

So we pay attention to this dangerous element that we all may have in the house and constantly ventilate.

Recommended reading

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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