Home » Pnrr, 380 million at risk. Summit of the Veneto Provinces in Treviso

Pnrr, 380 million at risk. Summit of the Veneto Provinces in Treviso

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Pnrr, 380 million at risk.  Summit of the Veneto Provinces in Treviso

Common protocol to request the revision of the contractual terms for the execution of the works and greater guarantees: “Today the funds are halved by the high prices, risk of stopping projects and tenders”

TREVISO. The armored financing for the works of the Pnrr collides with the increase in the prices of energy and raw materials. A sword of Damocles for public administrations that in recent months have planned interventions for millions of euros thanks to European funds that today realize that the funds received to carry them out are no longer enough. The summit of the Provinces of Veneto held in Treviso where presidents and delegates gave the ok to sign a document to be sent to the Government and to Europe: “Either you change your method, or you risk a knockout”.

«Today the interventions financed by the NRP are largely those designed and calculated in the contract before 2021, therefore with other prices. And the legislation does not allow today to update economic frameworks “underlined the president of the Province of Treviso and Upi Veneto Stefano Marcon, « there is a real risk of making calls for tenders that will go empty or seeing contracts for tenders already announced that will not be signed due to the impossibility of working at current costs ». Hence the request for an intervention signed by all the other representatives of the Venetian provinces but also by trade unions and trade associations who participated in the UPI assembly.

“There is no way for institutions to compensate for increases with their own resources” Marcon stressed, “also because it is a question of heavy figures: Treviso alone has Pnrr interventions for 100 million, and records increases that today range from 25 to 30%, which means having to recover 25 or 30 million. Where? “.” The auto liability and transcription tax revenues, which are the main income of the Province body, are decreasing, so resources are also starting to lack “, he highlighted Matteo Todesco finance manager Metropolitan City of Venice.

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The colleagues of Belluno, Rovigo, Padua, Verona and Vicenza.

The proposal advanced to the Government is to use the portion of the Pnrrr fund not yet allocated to implement the projects already approved compensating higher charges, or use auction discounts for school buildings that today return to the pnrr fund and instead could be used as a parachute, or the revision of the VAT rates by working on the extra income created by the greater quantity of financed interventions.

The alarm is also shared by the president Anci Veneto Mario Conte, mayor of Treviso: «Already today closing a contract on tenders contracted months ago is very difficult, if it were to happen with Pnrr contracts there would be a risk of a knockout, the loss of funds and worse still the abandonment of the construction site in progress». TO Treviso dance Pnrr operas for 20 million “to be done by 2026 … deadlines that today seem almost impossible given the lack of raw materials. I would not like us mayors to find ourselves in the conditions, in five years, to be chased by Court of Auditors».

To share and subscribe to the alert also theAnce Venetomanufacturers association chaired by Paola Carron: “There is a risk of deserted races, yesterday it cost 40,000 euros to tarmac 1 km of road, today 65,000, but the races have outdated prices”

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