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the symptoms appear in this order

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the symptoms appear in this order

When dementia appears in a person, it begins with certain symptoms that usually follow a very specific order, here is which one.

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With dementia we want to use a generic term to indicate the decline of mental faculties, a deterioration of the cerebral faculties that can negatively affect everyday life. There are various types of dementia and the most common is Alzheimer’s disease. Over 55 million people in the world suffer from it and unfortunately the statistics are not encouraging for the future.

Indeed, in the coming years, scholars have predicted a number that will increase. Dementia does not come suddenly, it deteriorates slowly and the symptoms come on slowly. First there are small signals, completely insignificant, then things get more and more serious and more and more serious. The person, after some time, will no longer be able to be self-sufficient.

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According to experts, the symptoms emerge slowly and following a very specific order. It is important to be aware of what may be happening so that you can recognize the signs and act as soon as possible.

Dementia: Symptoms follow a specific order

Demenza Alzheimer (Pixabay)

According to the latest studies, there is a very specific order in the appearance of symptoms when a person suffers from dementia. Here’s what it is:

  • Memory loss: memory lapses appear which can initially be trivial, such as not remembering where an object has been placed, and then continuing with not remembering the name of things, the name of people and so on up to entire events;
  • Confusion: when you are over 65, episodes of confusion in which you are paralyzed and you don’t know what decision to make is a clear symptom that dementia is advancing;
  • Sleep disorders: the person is no longer able to rest as well as he did before;
  • Hallucinations: the next step is to see things or people that are not there. This is a very delicate aspect of the disease;
  • Failing to distinguish seriousness from irony: a person with dementia who is advancing is no longer able to understand the emotions and the different types of conversation, or if the person talking to him is serious, ironic, he wants to joke.
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It is difficult to arrive at a diagnosis because these episodes can be as harmless as they can be a sign of advancing dementia. Being aware of this is the first step to be able to identify the ailments in those around us so that we can intervene promptly with effective treatments, even if there is no cure to date.

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