Home » Ukraine-Russia: news on today’s war. From the Pentagon 100 ‘kamikaze’ drones in Kiev

Ukraine-Russia: news on today’s war. From the Pentagon 100 ‘kamikaze’ drones in Kiev

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Ukraine-Russia: news on today’s war.  From the Pentagon 100 ‘kamikaze’ drones in Kiev

On the 43rd day of the conflict, the eastern area of ​​Ukraine is at the center of the clashes: the government of Kiev invites the residents of the Lugansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv regions to evacuate. In Mariupol, Russian soldiers allegedly set up mobile crematoria to burn the bodies of the killed inhabitants. And the Ukrainian government denounces the disappearance of more than 400 people from Hostomel, including at least 15 children. Violence was also reported by 25 girls who said they were raped by the Russians. The UN reports that at least 1,563 civilian victims have been since the beginning of the invasion, including 130 children, including Sasha, the 4-year-old boy who disappeared in mid-March in Vyshhorod. Meanwhile, NATO warns: “We must be ready for a long confrontation with Russia, for this we must maintain sanctions and strengthen our defense.”

From an economic point of view, there are new sanctions against Moscow from the US, the EU and Great Britain. Putin’s daughters Maria and Iekaterina and Lavrov’s daughters, as well as Sberbank and Alphabank, end up in the sights of the Americans. Biden promises the United States “will increase the economic isolation of Moscow”. Agreement in the EU for the fifth package of sanctions, but the okay could only come today. From Moscow, which continues to speak of Bucha’s “monstrous staging” and calls for an “objective and independent investigation”, comes the warning: “If the West does not want gas, we will give it to others”.

The story: The damned of Borodjanka, the shocking testimonies of the elderly survivors
The report / 1: The Donbass fighter lost his leg in the war: “But I can still do a lot”
Interview: Johannes Hahn: “The sanctions are working but it will be difficult to hit the gas”

The case: Putin’s daughters: Katerina and Maria, secret lives rewarded with millionaire deals
Case 2: The Shame of Looting: Like their grandparents in Nazi Germany, Russian soldiers strip Ukrainians of their possessions
How to donate: La Stampa Mirror of the Times Foundation for Ukraine

Update hour by hour

00.33 – Usa collaborate with Musk for terminal delivery, Starlink Usaid has delivered 5 thousand
The US government is helping Elon Musk’s SpaceX finance and ship thousands of satellite Internet terminals to Ukraine. The reports Cnn. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced that it has delivered 5,000 Starlink terminals to the Ukrainian government that will allow “unlimited connection throughout the country” allowing public officials and humanitarian workers to continue communicating within the Ukrainian government. Ukraine and with the outside world, even if “Putin’s brutal aggression will cut the connections to communicate with the optical fiber.” Immediately after the invasion of Russia at the end of February, at the request of the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Musk, he activated the Starlink service for Ukraine for the first time, announcing the arrival of terminals in the country on Twitter.

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00.18 – Blinken met Stoltenberg, focus on safety and aid
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. The spokesman for the Washington department, Ned Price, said in a statement, adding that “they discussed efforts to provide security and other forms of assistance to our Ukrainian partners in response to the unprovoked war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. . They also took note of the preparations for the NATO summit on June 29-30 in Madrid and reaffirmed their support for the NATO Asia-Pacific partners, Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea and New Zealand, who attended the ministerial meeting for the first time. Blinken reiterated US support for the development of a new NATO strategic concept that addresses current and future threats to the rules-based international order.

00.01 – France-Gb-Germany-Italy-USA: Continue to isolate Russia
The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, met his French counterparts Jean-Yves Le Drian, German Annalena Baerbock, Italian Luigi Di Maio, British Elizabeth Truss, today in Brussels, where “they reaffirmed their commitment to support the Ukraine of in the face of the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Russia ”. State Department spokesman Ned Price said according to a statement. Blinken “and his counterparts discussed how to continue to work best to isolate the Russian Federation on the international stage for its flagrant violation of international law and principles, to increase pressure on the Kremlin and to quickly end its devastating war. against Ukraine. They also discussed plans to provide further humanitarian and security assistance to Ukraine, ”said Price.

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