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Ukraine, the Pope: “We must always remember the cruelty that can be reached”

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Ukraine, the Pope: “We must always remember the cruelty that can be reached”

“In these days we cannot talk about other things without remembering: remembering the cruelty that can be reached.” Pope Francis talks about the war in Ukraine, and he does so during the audience with the members of the Royal Rowing Club Tevere Remo. “The sporting spirit, this amateurism, is a prerequisite for not falling, cultivating human friendship in order not to fall into this tragedy, and remembering those people who are victims of this tragedy”.

Sometimes sport is conditioned by the logic of profit

According to Francesco, «at times the world of sport seems to be conditioned by the logic of profit and exasperated competition, which can also degenerate into episodes of violence. It is also the task of realities such as yours to testify to the moral strength of sporting activity which, if lived correctly, helps to establish good friendships, to favor the construction of a more serene and fraternal world, in which one supports and helps each other to story », he said to the members of the Reale Circolo Canottieri Tevere Remo, the oldest sports association in the capital, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary.

Promote the values ​​of healthy competition and solidarity

“Through sport, you are called to promote the values ​​of healthy competition, friendship and solidarity. It is a question of spreading a sporting culture that conceives the practice of sport not only as a factor of physical well-being, but as a courageous ideal, as an instrument for the integral growth of the person “, added the Pope, whose speech was preceded by the greeting of the president. del Circolo, Daniele Masala, Olympic gold medalist in the pentathlon. «Over the years – the Pontiff underlined -, you have made an effort to propose your Club as a training ground for human formation. I encourage you to persevere so that children, young people and adults can cultivate, through the various sports disciplines, essential values: love for truth and justice, respect for creation, a taste for beauty and goodness, the search for freedom and of peace”.

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Aimed at young people: in life expect those who are slower

«It is important to cultivate that dimension of amateurism. If sport is not amateur, it is not sport, something is missing. Cultivate this dimension of amateurism so as not to fall into the interests of other orders ». Then addressing the young athletes, the Pope wished them «to practice sport with loyalty and a healthy competitive spirit. In this way it will help you to face the demanding race of life with courage and honesty, with joy and serene trust in the future, stopping to wait patiently for those who are slower and find it harder to walk », he concluded. Finally thanking him for the promise to pray for him, Francis concluded with a smile: «This ‘sport’ is not easy!».

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