Home » Ivrea on Sunday at home An opportunity to be seized

Ivrea on Sunday at home An opportunity to be seized

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Ivrea on Sunday at home An opportunity to be seized


Sunday 10, kick-off at 3.30 pm, the Ivrea rugby club will host the Sardinian team of Amatori Capoterra at Diego Santi in San Giovanni. For the fifteen coached by Chris De Meyer an opportunity to conquer some precious points in the standings. This will be the last race before the long break of the team chaired by Franco Rosso who, between Easter holidays and rest periods to be respected, given the retirement of Sondrio and Rovato, will be stopped for over a month. An important opportunity to recover the many injured players, to close ranks to end a difficult season in the best possible way. The return to the field is scheduled for 15 May away to Piacenza in the recovery match on 20 January. The other matches of the 5th second leg (Serie B, group 1): Franciacorta-Varese, Lecco-Amatori & Union Milano, Piacenza-Unione Monferrato, rest Cus Milano and Bergamo. Ranking: Cus Milano 52, Piacenza 43, Bergamo 37, Lecco 36, Union Milano 35, Monferrato 34, Franciacorta 23, Capoterra 13, Varese 8, Ivrea 6. –

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