Home » The relaxing spring herbal tea with a sweet taste that would counteract insomnia, anxiety and stress but also aging and gastrointestinal problems

The relaxing spring herbal tea with a sweet taste that would counteract insomnia, anxiety and stress but also aging and gastrointestinal problems

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The relaxing spring herbal tea with a sweet taste that would counteract insomnia, anxiety and stress but also aging and gastrointestinal problems

In spring, a very common symptom is widespread, namely insomnia, by changing the hours of light and dark, our body is particularly bewildered. We know well, however, how having peaceful dreams is a fundamental aspect, to stay healthy and have a good mood throughout the day.

Sometimes when this problem appears, along with other signs, it could even be a lack of important vitamins or hyperthyroidism. To be able to fall asleep more easily, and not wake up several times at night, following certain good habits would be advisable.

The relaxing spring herbal tea with a sweet taste that would counteract insomnia, anxiety and stress but also aging and gastrointestinal problems

Nutrition could help make our nights more peaceful, especially if we don’t overdo it at dinner, weighing down the stomach.

Many herbs also have a calming effect, as well as other possible benefits. In Nature we have several options to create infusions rich in nutrients, but also with an absolutely pleasant taste.

Usually the classic hot drink that we are used to preparing is the one based on chamomile or valerian, 2 plants that are easily dried in herbalist’s shops or in specialized shops. However, there are many other species that we can use to sleep better, without having to resort to more complex products.

For example, we could mix 2 tasty herbs, lavender and passion flower, to counteract problems related to insomnia and anxiety.

The relaxing spring herbal tea with a sweet flavor based on these two plants, then, would also seem to have other factors that are completely positive for the body.

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Especially lavender, which we find at its peak at this time of year, would have antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin A. While the mineral content, such as calcium and iron, would help protect the heart, arteries and bones. Furthermore, the polyphenols would make this plant useful in fighting aging and possible microbes that would cause gastrointestinal disorders.


So, before going to bed, let’s sip this sweet infusion that is prepared in no time. Put a cup of water to boil in a saucepan, then remove it from the heat and add a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers and one of the green parts of passionflower.

We filter everything into the cup, cover it with a saucer and let it rest for at least 5 minutes before drinking the herbal tea, perhaps adding a teaspoon of honey.

In addition, for a richer and more particular flavor, we can use the chopped and dried leaves of a shrub called Rooibos, similar to the Broom, which would have relaxing effects. Alternatively, we could add hawthorn, which would be helpful for insomnia, using about one gram of dried flowers or leaves.

Before drinking the infusion, make sure you are not allergic to these varieties or if they can interfere with specific ailments or the use of drugs.


To sleep well without waking up during the night this would be the ideal position to promote sleep beyond the usual methods

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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