Home » High cholesterol can promote the formation of some cancers: the study

High cholesterol can promote the formation of some cancers: the study

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High cholesterol can promote the formation of some cancers: the study

Having high cholesterol is not only a problem for the circulation and the heart, but it can promote the formation of some cancers.

Laboratory analysis (Pexels)

Have the high cholesterol it is a very widespread problem in the population. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that takes care of various functions in our body that mainly concern blood circulation. Good cholesterol helps, while bad cholesterol is excess fat that can build up plaque over time and clog arteries. This is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is advisable to have regular blood tests, at least once a year, to understand the values ​​of this substance, especially after the age of 50. There are several factors that influence the cholesterol value. Recent studies, however, have found that it is not only dangerous for cardiovascular diseases and, therefore, for the heart, but can favor the formation of some types of tumors.

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This information is really very important and makes it clear how essential prevention is. But let’s see below what types of tumors can be triggered by a high bad cholesterol value.

High cholesterol: promotes the formation of some tumors

high cholesterol
Medical examination (Adobe Stock)

In recent years, several researches have highlighted the danger of having high bad cholesterol with the risk of developing some forms of cancer. Therefore, it is not only the heart that is in danger, but the whole organism. In particular, from surveys conducted by experts, it appears that high cholesterol increases the risk of getting sick pancreatic, stomach, ovarian and breast cancer.

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On the other hand, the role of cholesterol in the formation of cholesterol is not clear colon cancer. Some researches see a relationship of it, while some don’t. However, it seems clear that some types of cancer feed on this fatty substance that allows cancer cells to reproduce more easily and faster.

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Not only. Researchers have identified a difficulty in responding to therapies to treat cancers in the case of high cholesterol. Very interesting data that shed light on any drugs, other possible treatments. It is essential to have periodic medical examinations and try to prevent with a balanced diet and lifestyle. Following the advice of the experts to stay healthy is important.

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