Home Ā» It sounds unbelievable but those who are constantly nervous may simply have a deficiency of this mineral

It sounds unbelievable but those who are constantly nervous may simply have a deficiency of this mineral

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Today the consultants of ProiezionidiBorsa illustrate the importance of an essential element for everyone’s organism. In particular, magnesium, a mineral with multiple beneficial properties for our body and mind, the lack of which can cause important disturbances.

It sounds unbelievable but those who are constantly nervous may simply have a deficiency of this mineral which helps lower blood triglyceride levels.

Our body contains about 28-30 grams of magnesium distributed mostly in the bones, soft tissues and blood. If our body lacks magnesium, it will be necessary to improve the eating style, including foods rich in this mineral. In any case, it is always advisable to contact a doctor and carry out all the appropriate analyzes and maybe let us suggest a supplement. In the meantime, the most important thing to do, always, is to have a balanced lifestyle in one with a healthy diet.

It sounds unbelievable but those who are constantly nervous may simply have a deficiency of this mineral

It is important to eat foods containing this mineral, to help our daily requirement. While men have the same needs, for women it changes. Especially at certain times, such as pregnancy. However, figuring out if we are deficient in magnesium isn’t always easy, as symptoms can often be confusing. In fact, not everyone knows that headaches, dizziness and nervousness can be caused by a lack of magnesium. As well as cramps or even white spots on the nails. So if we find ourselves in this unpleasant situation, we must necessarily improve our lifestyle. In fact, even the habitual use of alcoholic beverages can lead to a magnesium deficiency.

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Magnesium is very important because it acts on the transmission of nerve impulses, in fact it is useful in fighting depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It also relieves cramps and muscle aches. In short, all its therapeutic properties make us reflect on how important it is to help the natural needs, with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


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