Home » The two places report aerosol transmission of the new crown case, and the epidemic situation in Guangzhou is generally under control_News Center_China Net

The two places report aerosol transmission of the new crown case, and the epidemic situation in Guangzhou is generally under control_News Center_China Net

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(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The two places report aerosol transmission of new crown cases. The overall situation in Guangzhou is under control

China News Agency, Beijing, April 13. Comprehensive news: China’s National Health Commission announced on the 13th that there were 1,513 new confirmed cases in mainland China on the 12th, including 13 imported cases and 1,500 local cases. There were 26,525 new asymptomatic infections, including 105 imported cases and 26,420 local cases.

As of 24:00 on the 12th, there are 21,826 confirmed cases in mainland China, a total of 4,638 deaths, and a total of 168,362 confirmed cases. There are currently 314 confirmed cases imported from abroad, with a total of 17,915 confirmed cases and no deaths.

Nearly 28,000 new local infections in mainland China reported cases of “aerosol transmission of the new crown”

Mainland China added 27,920 local infections (diagnosed + asymptomatic) on the 12th, of which 26,330 were in Shanghai, still accounting for more than 94%. On the same day, 1,500 new local confirmed cases came from 19 provinces: 1,189 cases in Shanghai, 233 cases in Jilin, 22 cases in Guangdong, 14 cases in Hainan, 12 cases in Zhejiang, and 14 provinces added single-digit new cases.

There were 26,420 new cases of local asymptomatic infections that day, more than 20,000 cases for seven consecutive days. The above-mentioned infected persons are distributed in 21 provinces, of which more than 95% are from Shanghai (25,141 cases), followed by Jilin with 852 cases, and another 6 provinces with more than 30 new cases: 71 cases each in Jiangsu and Guangxi, 60 cases in Anhui, and 44 cases in Hubei There are 37 cases in Hebei and 31 cases in Liaoning.

It is worth noting that recently, the two places have reported cases of “aerosol transmission of the new crown”. Taierzhuang District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province reported on the 12th that a resident was digging wild vegetables outdoors. At the same time, an asymptomatic infected person stayed there, and neither of them wore masks. The resident was infected, and the epidemiological investigation and analysis determined that the resident was infected. , which is caused by aerosol transmission.

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Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently released news that a confirmed case entered the underground parking lot in a self-driving car (opening the window and not wearing a mask), and at the same time, there were 2 other cases in the parking lot who stayed in the parking lot and did not wear a mask. , there is the possibility of aerosol transmission leading to infection.

Relevant experts said that aerosol transmission is a way of transmission through the air, especially in small and confined spaces, the virus will survive for a long time after forming aerosols. Timely ventilation and disinfection can minimize aerosol concentration and virus density. Also, be sure to wear a mask when going out.

More than 250,000 cases of infected people in Shanghai, Jilin will gradually open up the society

As of 24:00 on the 12th, Shanghai has reported more than 250,000 local infections in this round of epidemic. The city issued a notice on the 13th saying that it would further strengthen the management of social order during the epidemic prevention and control period, proposing that it is strictly prohibited to implement ten behaviors such as “persons in the closed control area go out of their homes without authorization during the closed management period”.

In response to citizens’ complaints about rising vegetable prices, Shanghai officials responded that the city’s market supervision department has strengthened price supervision of important livelihood commodities and epidemic prevention supplies, and quickly investigated and handled a number of price violation cases. 192 cases of price violations such as price gouging, price fraud, and low-standard-high settlement of vegetables have been investigated and dealt with, and more than 30 typical cases of various price violations in 6 batches have been announced successively.

On the 12th, Jilin Province added 233 local confirmed cases and 852 asymptomatic infections. The cumulative number of local infections reported in this round of epidemic exceeded 70,000.

Jilin Province held a press conference on the 13th, saying that the epidemic situation in the province continues to improve, and it will gradually liberalize the society and restore the order of people’s production and life. On the basis of ensuring epidemic prevention and safety, it will support the resumption of work and production of enterprises in a safe, orderly and precise manner. At the same time, the method of “general antigen screening + nucleic acid approval” will continue to be adopted to carry out accurate screening and full coverage testing for key groups such as universities involved in the epidemic.

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The epidemic situation in Guangzhou can be controlled as a whole, and Quanzhou has achieved zero new local diagnoses

Guangzhou reported on the 13th that from 15:00 on April 12 to 15:00 on the 13th, there were 29 new local infections in the city, including 21 confirmed cases and 8 asymptomatic cases. Since April 8, Guangzhou has reported a total of 103 local infections.

The Guangzhou CDC said on the same day that of the 29 newly infected people in the city, 28 were found in the centralized isolation point, accounting for 96.6%, and 1 case was found in the prevention area. In addition, the epidemic transmission index has dropped from the initial high of 5.7 to 1.7. Therefore, the current round of the epidemic in Guangzhou is generally controllable. However, since the current round of the epidemic has only occurred for 5 days, many measures and data still need to be further consolidated and observed, and the next few days are very critical.

As the hardest hit area of ​​this round of epidemic in Fujian Province, Quanzhou has no new local confirmed cases on the 12th, and 1 new case of asymptomatic infection. This is also the first time that the city has achieved zero new local diagnoses in this round of epidemics. As of 24:00 on the 12th, Quanzhou has reported a total of 1,116 local confirmed cases in this round of the epidemic, accounting for nearly 90% of the total local confirmed cases in the province.

Quanzhou officials said on the 13th that in the past few days, Quanzhou’s epidemic prevention and control situation has further improved. The city’s zoning and grading differentiation promotes the orderly resumption of work and production in all walks of life, of which more than 80% of industrial enterprises above designated size have resumed production.

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Many places in Suzhou have implemented static management of the Xining epidemic, and no social cases have occurred

Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province added 55 new cases of local asymptomatic infections on the 12th, and a total of more than 400 local infections have been reported in this round of epidemic. Suzhou City issued a notice on the 13th, saying that recently, there have been many cases of local infections in Suzhou City. In order to effectively block the spread of the epidemic and quickly cut off the chain of transmission, some areas of the city are strictly implementing differentiated static management of classification and zoning. The general public is requested to stop All non-essential flows.

According to reports, the epidemic in Suzhou was mainly imported from outside the city. Among them, more than 70% of Shanghai-related positive infections, and the number of infected people in the area adjacent to Shanghai, among which Kunshan accounted for nearly 50% of the city.

Kunshan City issued a notice on the 13th saying that it will re-adjust and delineate 5 static management areas and extend the silent period for 7 days, from 24:00 on April 12 to 24:00 on April 19.

Xining City, Qinghai Province announced on the 13th that as of 23:50 on the 12th, there were 13 new cases of local positive people in the city, all of whom were in centralized isolation. Since April 3, a total of 27 local positive people have been found in Xining, including 8 confirmed cases and 19 asymptomatic infections.

It is reported that this round of epidemic situation in the city was imported from outside the province, and the infected people were all related to the first 5 cases. All the infected people were found in the centralized quarantine control personnel, and there were no social infections. The current epidemic situation is controllable. (Finish)

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