Home » Vallorco new leaders “Next three decisive games for the future”

Vallorco new leaders “Next three decisive games for the future”

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Vallorco new leaders “Next three decisive games for the future”


Last Sunday’s home victory against Cgc Aosta 2-0 and the simultaneous equal between Gassinosanraffaele and Montanaro (1-1) projected Vallorco to the top of the first category group C standings.

The Cuorgnatese club of sporting director Efisio Cocco with the 55 points collected in 23 games can look at everyone from above. He has two points ahead of the Montanaro-Gassinosanraffaele pair and six over Colleretto. The Cuorgnatese team does not suffer from vertigo, the coach Luca Bruno Mattiet reassured him: «We are first in the standings alone, a position that no one, even the most optimistic, could think of at the beginning of the season. We are doing very well, after a period in which we did not express a good kick at the beginning of 2022, then we recovered and the results comforted us. We are first thanks above all to the group’s desire to seek victory until the last second, putting us before me », says Bruno Mattiet. Scrolling through the calendar, in the next three games the cuorgnatesi will face in order Mathi Lanzese on Sunday 24, then super-challenge first at Montanaro and then at Colleretto, a very important triptych, as Mattiet affirms: “We all have a wonderful Easter and then we will have to hang up again the plug and prepare a very delicate triptych of matches. These three races will tell us what our real aspirations may be: they will be three very difficult matches for various reasons. The Mathi Lanzese are a team fighting to save themselves and currently have only one point clear of the playout zone and against us at home they will try to make a lot of spoils to move up the rankings. Montanaro and Colleretto – continues Bruno Mattiet – are opponents who will fight until the last day to win the championship: Montanaro was always first and lost the leadership only on Sunday, while Colleretto is catching up. After this triptych we will still have four games, but the next three will most likely be decisive ».

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Giammarco Morisi, Montanaro coach, does not give up: «We knew that this situation could have happened, but now we don’t have to feel sorry for ourselves for the points lost in these last few days. There is still a long way to go, there are still seven games left, there are still twenty-one points available and from now to the end of the championship anything can still happen. Now it will no longer depend on us, but we will not give up », explains Morisi. –

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