Home Ā» For the Pont-Saint-Martin playoffs from Thursday evening

For the Pont-Saint-Martin playoffs from Thursday evening

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The program of the second phase of the First Division championship has been defined. In the play-offs in the upper part of the scoreboard, Basket Pont Donnas Paolo Petri, who dominated group A with 14 wins out of 14, will face the fourth of group B in the quarter-finals, Franzin val Noce di Frossasco. The first meeting takes place on Thursday 14 at 9.15 pm in Pont, race two is scheduled in Frossasco on Monday 25 at 21.20, eventual beautiful in Pont on Thursday 28 at 9.15 pm. If he passes the round, in the semifinals he will face the winner of Alfieri Torino-Rouge et Noir Aosta. The other two Canavese clubs that participated in the First Division championship, the Golden River San Giorgio and Real Forno 2013, participate in the Piedmont Cup. Both were included in group C, together with Baldissero sport. Here is the program: Thursday 14: Golden River-Baldissero; Thursday 28: Real Forno-Golden River, Sunday 8: Baldissero-Real Forno. –

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