Home » Announcement of Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. on adding Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. as part of its fund agency sales agency_Yinhua An_Business_Regular fixed investment

Announcement of Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. on adding Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. as part of its fund agency sales agency_Yinhua An_Business_Regular fixed investment

by admin

Original title: Announcement of Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. on adding Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. as part of its fund agency agency

According to the agency sales agreement signed between Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. and Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Ningbo Bank”), from April 19, 2022, Ningbo Bank will open the subscription and redemption of some of the company’s funds , Regular fixed investment and business conversion. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. The details of this business opening:

2. Investors can consult relevant details through the following channels:

1. Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd.

2. Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

3. Important notice:

1. The right to interpret this announcement belongs to Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

2. Mutual conversion is not supported between different shares of the same fund.

3. The minimum amount of regular fixed investment for Yinhua Anxin short-term debt bond securities investment fund Class D fund share and Yinhua Xincheng flexible allocation hybrid securities investment fund Class C fund share is 1 yuan, and the minimum fixed fixed investment for the rest of the above funds. The amount is 10 yuan. If the regular and fixed investment business of the above-mentioned funds by the agency sales agency is different after meeting the above provisions, investors shall also abide by the relevant business regulations of the agency sales agency when handling the above business in the agency sales agency.

4. Yinhuafeng enjoys a one-year holding period The shortest holding period of the hybrid securities investment fund is one year. Investors are advised to pay attention.

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risk warning:

The fund manager promises to manage and use the fund’s assets with good faith, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee a minimum return. Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risks.

Special announcement.

Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

April 18, 2022

About Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Yinhua Huitianyi money market fund increased

Shanghai Panying Fund Sales Co., Ltd.

Announcement for agency

According to the agency sales agreement signed by Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and Shanghai Panying Fund Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Panying Fund”), the Company decided to start from April 19, 2022 , adding Panying Fund as an agency of Yinhuahui Tianyi money market fund. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. The details of this business opening

2. Investors can inquire about relevant details through the following channels:

1. Shanghai Panying Fund Sales Co., Ltd.

2. Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

3. Important Notes

1. The right to interpret this announcement belongs to Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

2. The minimum amount of regular fixed investment in Yinhua Huitianyi money market fund is 0.01 yuan. If the regular fixed investment business of the Fund carried out by the agency sales agency is different after meeting the above provisions, investors shall also comply with the relevant business regulations of the agency sales agency when handling the above business in the agency sales agency.

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risk warning:

The fund manager promises to manage and use the fund assets with good faith, diligence and responsibility, but does not guarantee that the fund will be profitable, nor does it guarantee a minimum return. Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risks.

Special announcement.

Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.

April 18, 2022Return to Sohu, see more


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