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Queen Elizabeth’s diet: what she eats (for a lifetime) to stay fit

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Queen Elizabeth’s diet: what she eats (for a lifetime) to stay fit

Queen Elizabeth II does not eat potatoes, rice and pasta. Could this be the secret of her perfect shape and her iron health that has always distinguished her? The sovereign is very attentive to the diet that is taken care of by the queen’s personal nutritionists, but what does her diet consist of?

Queen Elizabeth II – Type

A queen’s food diet

The sovereign of England has always shown perfect physical shape from the very first day she ascended the throne. Today, as then, despite the venerable age of 94, she still displays an enviable silhouette. But what is her secret? Let’s start with the fact that Elizabeth II of England he does not eat potatoes, pasta and rice, so it is clear that he has eliminated a large portion of carbohydrates.

The queen has been over 90 for a while but has no intention of descending from the throne. Her smile, her firmness and her unmistakable and elegant style have won the hearts of her people and beyond. Elizabeth II she is also much admired for her physical shape, she is never too fat nor too thin and always in excellent health apart from the normal ailments of age.

Her secrets of eternal youth are a 100% natural face cream and a strict diet. The success of this nutritional regimen is given above all by the constancy with which it British sovereign follows dietary guidelines. Let’s see how the queen feeds and what her habits are.

Weekly menu prepared in advance

The regina Elisabeth II she has always maintained her ideal weight, we have discovered the secret of her perfect shape, do you want to know it? First of all, he follows the diet established with his nutritionists without ever failing even at parties.

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Spreading the queen’s food secret was her former private chef Darren McGrady which revealed that the sovereign is not an excellent fork. She practically eats to live and not the other way around. There Queen Elizabeth II prefers small portions dividing meals at different times of the day.

At dinner, the sovereign chooses game. The weekly menu decides well in advance by giving instructions to the kitchen staff of the royal palace. No excess or sneakiness for the noble, her rigor is absolute, the queen is a habit even at the table and she never changes method.

Dark chocolate is liked by Queen Elizabeth II

How is the diet of the British sovereign made up? His daily diet is mainly composed of proteins, among his favorite dishes there is grilled fish with a side dish of always different vegetables such as spinach, carrots, zucchini.

Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth – Tipiu.com

The queen’s diet totally excludes the carbohydrates and starches contained in rice, potatoes and pasta. In reality, she allows herself to allow herself some deviations from the rule, but they are when she is at the table with other people.

In that case he does not follow the restrictions to the letter but never exaggerates. The food he just can’t give up, however, is chocolate extra dark. His only gratification when it comes to food.

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