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here’s how they could be avoided

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here’s how they could be avoided

The percentage of breast cancer is increasing and affects many women. If you paid attention to some factors you could avoid it, here’s how.

Breast cancer

According to some scholars, if you paid more attention to lifestyle you could avoid the 90% of breast cancers.

Definitely the our lifestyle it is very important thatphysical activity that what let’s eat have a fundamental impact in the onset of tumors but there are factors important to consider let’s see which ones.

Breast cancer can be prevented, here’s how

Breast cancer
Breast cancer

First of all you have to learn to sleep sufficiently and well since the sleep quality it is an important element in the onset of tumors. Pay attention to the body weight, accumulating too much fat is unhealthy and can facilitate the onset of tumors.

Avoid eating genetically modified foods and prefer fresh food because they are less loaded with substances that can be harmful to our health. Also the our intestines it is very important and therefore you have to take care of it well and keep it in training to eliminate all impurities.

Iodine it is a fundamental ally for our health but above all because it helps us eliminate the possibility of breast cancer. Vitamin D it is very precious for our organism but above all because destroys cancer cells, therefore a deficiency of this important vitamin must be avoided.

To avoid the intake of too many sugars because they are still harmful to our body since they nourish cancer cells. A very valuable piece of advice is to avoid all the cosmetics, deodorants, etc. they contain parabens. In fact, the latter are really dangerous for our health and often cause the gladness of the gods tumors.

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Another fundamental element is the flame retardant substances which are dangerous for our body, so we must stay away from them.

If we treasure all these tips and manage to adjust our life respecting the certain habits surely we will be able to prevent the breast cancer which is having an ever greater impact.

So let’s learn to eat well but also to use gods routine products that do not have scarcinogenic obstacles. We always take care when buying products both food and personal hygiene


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