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Belly more toned and lean and side B tall and firm thanks to this exercise burns calories

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Belly more toned and lean and side B tall and firm thanks to this exercise burns calories

The summer is approaching and with it the dreaded costume test. In fact, it is usually during this period that many decide to start a diet or go back to the gym. Still, the pandemic has proven conclusively that it is not necessary to pay a facility for exercise.

In fact, at home we can do many different exercises even without using specific equipment. However, if we want something more structured, we can always rely on an online personal trainer or follow the tutorials on the Internet. In fact, there are some exercises that are more suitable than others to achieve our goals, which could be strengthening such as weight loss, or both.

There are, however, some really complete exercises that involve several muscles at the same time. This also allows us to save time, since we will not necessarily have to do a specific exercise for each muscle group.

In particular, there is a now very popular exercise that could please everyone.

A complete exercise

There is an exercise that can help us get a more toned and drier stomach, but also strengthen the buttocks, calves, pectorals, arms, shoulders, back and waist. It seems impossible, yet this exercise exists and is within everyone’s reach.

It is usually used to strengthen your muscles, but this is not the only advantage. In fact, it is also an exercise that stimulates cardiovascular activation, agility and coordination.

Belly more toned and lean and side B tall and firm thanks to this exercise burns calories

The reason a single exercise is able to include so many zones and benefits is its combination of movements. These, in fact, refer to 4 other very common exercises: the jump, the squat, the flexion, and the plank. Let’s combine all these exercises in a quick sequence and we will get the so-called “burpee”.

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Let’s start with a jump, which we can strengthen by giving us the momentum with the arms and bending well on the knees. When we land, we cushion the blow with a squat. This means that we have to go down with the pelvis by bending the knees again. In this phase and in all subsequent ones we remember that it is very important to keep the back as straight as possible.

Continuing to go down with the squat we will be able to place our hands on the ground right in front of us. At this point, we shift the weight onto the hands and with a small jump we bring the feet completely back. At this point we will be in the plank position, which is also the initial position for doing push-ups. In fact, now we should bend our arms, keeping our hands at the same height as the shoulders and without touching the floor with the body, but only with the hands and the tips of the toes.

Now let’s repeat all these exercises in reverse. We complete the flexion and return to the plank. In a single movement we bring the feet back immediately behind the hands still resting on the ground, then we jump back on the spot. From here we can repeat the exercise as many times as we want.


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