Home » Super Cappelletti, one minute to scream: the Old Wild West also beats Ravenna

Super Cappelletti, one minute to scream: the Old Wild West also beats Ravenna

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Super Cappelletti, one minute to scream: the Old Wild West also beats Ravenna

UDINE. Cappelletti decides at the last minute, the Old Wild West suffers against a splendid Ravenna, it does not enchant (on the contrary), but now sees the finish line of the first place now only a victory away.

Triple, assists, free throws, steal: the Spoleto playmaker gets his team out of trouble and if he had to do a play-off dress rehearsal he did it all right, risking losing and this will do the group good. It ends 75-69. Cappelletti-Walters show and dunk, but then Lacey, who gets stopped by the “old” Cinciarini and propitiates a triple from Denegri. Old Wild West-Now of the first quarter in two actions.

The overwhelming power of Walters and the organization of Ravenna with the 5 “Byzantine Lions” (a car, two banners, as many flags, a lot of passion), Romagna fans who enjoy it. It is a mini preview of the play-offs, the post-season air is now felt in the area together with the scents of spring. End of the first quarter: Walters 11 points, Apu 17. Ravenna 16, good team, organized, tough.

Fortunately Pellegrino is the Walters and prevents the leaders from losing sight of the rivals who play well, also taking advantage of the unusual freedom granted by the leaders. What an effort: 21-27 in the middle of the second quarter. After all, the level rises and that’s good, better not to have bad surprises in twenty days. Or not? Giuri scores the first triple for his only 3 ‘before the break, another small record of a tough match.

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We go to the interval, Old Wild West, 8 turnovers, resumed with the 1-3-1: 34-30. Too many errors by Cappelletti, Antonutti, Lacey, Mussini. And the music does not change, on the contrary, at the resumption. Tilghman roars, Cinciarini scores. But there is Esposito. Fight, takes 5 points from the garbage, gets Sullivan out for fouls. And it’s not the first time he’s done it when his’s are in trouble.

The APU for the first time in the match stretches: 48-39 in the middle of the quarter but in an amen the guests impact with Tilghman who dangerously for Udine takes over the game after the “cure” Nobile. He’s an easy guy. Raging against a team with too many players, captain Antonutti in the first place, out of the game. The APU has to chase at the beginning of the fourth quarter (52-54), the feeling is that inertia is in the host’s hand.

It is a very tough play-off test. There is tension, like when Mussini and Boniciolli confront each other after a change. Udine, after all, shoots with 15% from three, everything is difficult, the Ravenna area is such a wall and it is clear that the nerves are wavering. Ravenna smells the company. And how he smells it. Lacey starts, but Giuri gives Benetti 4 points in one play and Ravenna puts his nose back 64-66 at 3’30 ”.

It is played point by point, between errors (Cinciarini misses the near match point) and canestroni. Cappelletti triple, Denegri triple: 69-69 with 56 ”from the end. Walters crushes on an assist from Cappelletti, Tilghman misses. The Umbrian playmaker has found the keys to victory. He is the leader, coach Boniciolli knows it after all. So good. Treasure it. It ends 73-69. Brava Ravenna, really.

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OLD WILD WEST UDINE – ORASI’ RAVENNA  75 – 69 (17-16, 34-30, 52-54)

OLD WILD WEST UDINE Cappelletti 14, Walters 19, Mussini 2, Antonutti 2, Esposito 7, Giuri 8, Nobile, Pellegrino 14, Italian, Lacey 9. Not entered: Pieri and Bertolissi. Coach: Boniciolli.

RAVENNA’S ORATION Tilghman 21, Berdini 11, Cinciarini 5, Gazzotti 7, Arnaldo, Denegri 12, Sullivan 6, Simioni 3, Benetti 4. Not entered: Martini. Coach: Lotesoriere.

Referees Catani of breaking latest news, Gagno of Treviso, Pecorella of Barletta.

Note Old Wild West: 21/40 two-point shooting, 5/19 three and 18/19 free. Ravenna: 17/35 for two-point shooting, 7/31 for three and 14/18 for free. Out for 5 fouls Sullivan and Simioni.

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