Home » Excessive tiredness and sleepiness, decreased concentration and weight gain could be the alarm bells of a particularly widespread health problem

Excessive tiredness and sleepiness, decreased concentration and weight gain could be the alarm bells of a particularly widespread health problem

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Excessive tiredness and sleepiness, decreased concentration and weight gain could be the alarm bells of a particularly widespread health problem

Our human body is programmed to warn us when something is not working right. Learning to listen to the messages that the body sends us is essential for living well and healthily. But it is not certain that every signal must portend a disease or, in any case, something serious. Who, for example, among the Readers has never had a hard and intense week of work or study, managing to sleep only for a few hours a night?

I think it has happened to everyone, or almost everyone, at least once in their life. And here then that annoying and unpleasant dark bags called dark circles could appear under the eyes. In these cases, dark circles remind us how important it is to sleep at least 8 hours a night and, above all, sleep well. Today, however, together with the ProiezionidiBorsa Health and Wellness Experts, we will talk about a disease that affects many people. In particular, we will focus on some of its symptoms such as tiredness and excessive sleepiness, but also the decrease in concentration and weight gain.


The thyroid is a very important endocrine gland for health. It produces some particular hormones called thyroid, thanks to which it is able to regulate the respiratory, cardiovascular, skeletal and nervous systems, as well as thermoregulation. In addition to affecting the reproductive system and metabolism. Among the thyroid pathologies, the most common are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, which also differ according to the symptoms.

With hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland works too much and produces an excessive amount of hormones and, in addition to nervousness, insomnia, intense sweating, tachycardia may occur. Furthermore, people who suffer from it tend to lose weight. Today, however, we will focus on the second most common thyroid disease, namely hypothyroidism which, contrary to what we have just read above, occurs when the thyroid gland produces few thyroid hormones.

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Excessive tiredness and sleepiness, decreased concentration and weight gain could be the alarm bells of a particularly widespread health problem

In most cases, hypothyroidism would manifest itself in adulthood and the triggers can be various. Among these, by way of example, we can recall an iodine deficiency, rather than the intake of certain drugs or autoimmune thyroiditis. It could also be congenital, that is, present from birth. Having made this brief but necessary presentation on some thyroid disorders, let’s try to understand what signals our body could send us when suffering from hypothyroidism.

Let’s start by saying that the symptoms and signs of this type of dysfunction vary according to the age at which the thyroid begins to fail, the duration and severity of the condition. In fact, in the initial phase, an unimportant hypothyroidism may not even manifest any symptoms. However, among the symptoms that can occur with hypothyroidism the most common would be fatigue and excessive sleepiness.

Memory loss and difficulty concentrating could also be caused by this condition which, at times, can be really disabling. Additionally, many people with hypothyroidism experience weight gain and difficulty losing weight. This condition slows down the body’s metabolic processes and, if neglected, could have serious health consequences. It is therefore important to periodically undergo routine checks and blood tests and in the presence of symptoms consult your doctor or an endocrinologist.


Thyroid sufferers do not have to pay for these tests and visits

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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