Home » Antonio Patuelli president of ABI will speak about banks at the “Humanities forum” of Villa Tornaforte-Aragno

Antonio Patuelli president of ABI will speak about banks at the “Humanities forum” of Villa Tornaforte-Aragno

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Antonio Patuelli president of ABI will speak about banks at the “Humanities forum” of Villa Tornaforte-Aragno

What the Banks have done and what they must do in this moment of economic recovery and international crisis, between the opportunities of the NRP and the pitfalls of expensive energy. With the task of accompanying families and businesses, but also looking at the sustainability of a public debt that has still grown with the pandemic.

Those who know and represent them all will talk about it in Cuneo on Thursday morning: Antonio Patuelli, 71, president of ABI (Italian Banking Association) recently confirmed president of the Ravenna spa savings bank. The appointment is at 11 at Villa Tornaforte-Aragno, for the cycle of meetings on the economy of the «Humanities forum». These are the seminars organized by the publisher and entrepreneur Nino Aragno in the noble residence of Madonna dell’Olmo.

«Patuelli is also an agricultural owner and a publisher – explains Aragano – and as banker and president Abi has a national and international vision, despite being a“ luxury provincial ”. With him I have an editorial, bibliophile knowledge: his publishing house has published the Memoirs of Marcello Soleri and some writings by Luigi Einaudi. Two other luxury provincials who, coming from the Cuneo area, were fundamental for the history of Italy ».

Camillo Venesio, CEO of the Banca del Piemonte, will talk to Patuelli on Thursday in Cuneo. The meeting will be introduced and coordinated by a third banker, Beppe Ghisolfi from Cerver, in the role of editor of the magazine «Banca Finanza».

The three protagonists will probably also resume some reflections made just a few days ago, again at Villa Tornaforte, by another banker and former minister, the vice president of Morgan Stanley Domenico Siniscalco: he had talked about global financial markets and together with Emanuele Regis, director of the Cassa savings bank of Savigliano, and had underlined the centrality of the banks in the area. Explaining that “only the banker who knows his client closely can help him. Small banks are honestly a wealth, I would keep them tight, even because if they disappear then they never come back. Because the bank gives advice, but above all it gives credit ».

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Siniscalco also quoted Luigi Einaudi, not by chance, when he wrote that “selecting the companies to which credit has a social function, like Darwin’s natural selection”.

The appointment, in collaboration with Confartigianato, is free. To book, write to [email protected]

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