Home » The Brescia archers find the venue: gymnasium in Fornaci

The Brescia archers find the venue: gymnasium in Fornaci

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The Brescia archers find the venue: gymnasium in Fornaci

Brescia boasts one of the first archery companies born in Italy: the sports club Arcieri Bresciani was in fact founded in 1976 and today has a hundreds of associates. After a lot of wandering to find the suitable space in the various districts to train champions and newbies, the company has finally found a home and an indoor gym (the outdoor one is at the Badia in a large space near the Sports Center and on the hills between Cellatica and Collebeati in Campiani area) thanks to the Municipality of Brescia who, just yesterday, through the councilor for Urban Regeneration Valter Muchetti, handed over the keys to a property to the president Lorenzo De Paul in via del Mella 3 in Fornaci to be transformed into a large, functional headquarters for the over one hundred members of the Compagnia Arcieri.

The association won the tender by offering a fee of € 5,560 and committing itself to carrying out works for over 60 thousand euros against a twenty-year concession. The project involves the construction of an indoor archery gym (27 meters long), the first and only one in the Brescia area, open to members from 8 to 24. The refurbishment works will also involve the construction of new toilets, of a multimedia room, the upgrading of the electrical system, the installation of the heating system and the construction of the external fire escape staircase.

«We will commit ourselves – reiterated the president De Paul and the secretary Gabriele Tarletti – a hold courses for newbies and to continue with the “Civically young” project, which involves the Carabinieri, the Fire Brigade, the Italian Army and other bodies, aimed at high school children ». The collaboration with the parish of Fornaci in the summer period for children will not fail, while refresher courses will continue to train archery technicians.

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«In over 45 years of activity – highlighted the commissioner Valter Muchetti -, the Bresciani Archery Sports Society has won provincial, regional and national titles in various specialties. All these important sporting achievements have made archery athletes one of the most popular clubs in Lombardy and Italy ». For those wishing to know more and to know the proposals and courses, they can connect to the site arcieribresciani.org.