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Puffy face and curved and enlarged fingers could signal this sneaky and lethal tumor that regularly affects thousands of Italians

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Puffy face and curved and enlarged fingers could signal this sneaky and lethal tumor that regularly affects thousands of Italians

There are symptoms that we often underestimate that could portend illnesses far more serious than we think. Cancers would be among the most devastating and would claim victims with disarming ease. Advances in medicine in recent years have at least reduced the likelihood of death, even if the danger remains high.

The types of tumors would be many and would affect different organs of the body. A healthy lifestyle and timely and accurate visits could help in the prevention or detection of the disease. In fact, we will well know that in the most advanced stages the tumor would become extremely complex to treat.

On certain days it may happen to notice changes in your body. These include a swollen face and curved, enlarged fingers. These small, but important, details could in some cases signal the presence of one of these terrible pathologies.

Lung cancer data and mortality

The situation reported by the Istituto Superiore di SanitĆ  would be hardly reassuring. Lung cancer, in addition to being one of the most common, is also one of the most problematic. Unfortunately, this cancer would also be rapidly expanding in Italy, with about 40,000 cases of patients affected every year.

The pathology appears mainly among elderly individuals, in particular between 70 and 74 years of age. The main culprit would be cigarette smoking, even passive one. Men would risk slightly more than women (15% of new diagnoses would be spoken of against 12%). The odds of survival 5 years after birth of the tumor, in any case, would remain below 20% for both sexes.

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Puffy face and curved and enlarged fingers could signal this sneaky and lethal tumor that regularly affects thousands of Italians

The danger of lung cancer would also concern the silence with which it manifests itself at the beginning. Only after a certain diffusion would the first symptoms appear, various and different from each other. The best known and best known would concern persistent cough, shortness of breath, lasting fatigue and decreased hunger.

But there would be others, less common, but which could still indicate the onset of the disease. Among these, in fact, the swelling of the face and the extremities of the fingers, and the curvature of the latter. But chest or shoulder pain, swallowing problems and fever above 38 degrees may also accompany it.

Special tests could diagnose lung cancer early, allowing us to avoid it in time. X-rays, CT scans and bronchoscopies should be done regularly, especially after a certain age.

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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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