Home » Vittorio Veneto mourns the teacher Rita Dal Mas, she was 55 years old

Vittorio Veneto mourns the teacher Rita Dal Mas, she was 55 years old

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Vittorio Veneto mourns the teacher Rita Dal Mas, she was 55 years old

The teacher Rita Dal Mas. She lived in Cappella Maggiore

He taught until two months ago at the Crispi primary school in the City of Victory, then the discovery of the disease. Tomorrow the farewell to Cappella Maggiore

VITTORIO VENETO. A fulminating tumor extinguishes the smile of the teacher Rita Dal Mas. She was 55 years old. Just two months ago she discovered she was seriously ill. She shocked the teachers and pupils of the Crispi elementary school in Vittorio Veneto, where she had been teaching for a long time. «In a few weeks she left», explains her husband Massimo Antonazzi, distraught, «unfortunately the tumor was inoperable. The doctors of the Cro of Aviano have tried in every way to save her ».

Rita Dal Mas had quietly taught until two months ago. Now her smile will remain forever imprinted in the memory of the students who have grown up over the last thirty years with her unforgettable lessons. “She was teaching in a second class as a prevailing teacher”, continues her husband “she was sunny, sweet, she loved children and loved her job, for days her cell phone has been ringing and being flooded with messages of condolence. parents of students, of work colleagues, of many other people ».

Rita Dal Mas lived in via Livel in Cappella Maggiore. She had graduated from the teaching institute of Sacile. For some years she had attended the Dams in Bologna. She then had her marriage in 1989 with Massimo Antonazzi crowned by the birth of a son. Over the years she had been president of the karate jury and partner of Vittorio Veneto’s shooting range. The funeral will be celebrated tomorrow at 3.30 pm in the parish church of Cappella. She leaves her husband Massimo, her son Leonardo, her mother Maria Antonia, her father Pietro, her sisters Elena and Sandra in pain. You offer to Cro di Aviano.

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