Home » Finally revealed what would be the right day to weigh yourself and understand if we are losing weight or doing the wrong diet and sport to dispose of calories and fat

Finally revealed what would be the right day to weigh yourself and understand if we are losing weight or doing the wrong diet and sport to dispose of calories and fat

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Finally revealed what would be the right day to weigh yourself and understand if we are losing weight or doing the wrong diet and sport to dispose of calories and fat

According to a recent statistic, 30% of Italians would not do regular physical activity. Beware that we are not talking about those who give up sport, but about those who do not even take a healthy walk or a jog every now and then. To think that the statistics, in spite of everything, have been improving in recent years. Thanks also especially to the girls and women, who, unlike years ago, play sports, even with success. Suffice it to see also the recent World Athletics Championships or the Ski Olympics, in which our women’s odds have been really good. Many, however, stop playing sports because they do not see the desired results in their body. Finally revealed what would be the right day to find out the trend of our weight. Maybe they are not even followed by a dietician, falling into some evaluation errors that we are going to analyze in our article.

Be careful to rest a little and season even less

We said just now that if we intend to undertake a 360 ° weight loss course, it would be advisable to contact a specialist. For our personal knowledge, however, we remember 2 mistakes that many tend to make and that would contribute to not making us lose weight:

  • sleep little and badly;
  • do not season foods.

In the first case, as experts recall, if we sleep little, the sense and criteria of our appetite could even change. Not to mention that lack of sleep would cause cortisol levels to rise. Basically, all the nervousness that we are going to produce because we do not sleep, would then flow into the so-called “stress hunger”. Which, as we all know, leads us to eat junk food.

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But, at the same time, we don’t deprive our dishes of the seasoning. Rather, we give up a few more grams of pasta. Let’s not forget that even using a drop of extra virgin olive oil would guarantee us that precious load of minerals and antioxidants.

Finally revealed what would be the right day to weigh yourself and understand if we are losing weight or doing the wrong diet and sport to dispose of calories and fat

According to a recent American survey, the two central days of the week, Wednesday and Thursday, would be the perfect ones to weigh in. Away from the weekend, when we traditionally go out to eat, or in any case we overdo lunch with friends. But also far from the very first days of the week, in which even psychologically, to obviate the weekend feasts, we eat or not. So to understand if our diet works, or we are all wrong, we should weigh ourselves in these two days. We also avoid stepping on the scales several times a day, because we only risk anger. Finally revealed what would be the right day to understand if we are on the right path leading to the ideal weight.

Recommended reading

Night insomnia and morning headaches could depend on the lack or abundance of this essential vitamin for our daily life

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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