Home » Beijing Stock Exchange’s report card: Listed companies have steady growth in performance with obvious innovation attributes_Rolling News_Business_Securities Star

Beijing Stock Exchange’s report card: Listed companies have steady growth in performance with obvious innovation attributes_Rolling News_Business_Securities Star

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(Original title: Beijing Stock Exchange’s report card: Listed companies have stable performance growth and obvious innovation attributes)

As of April 30, 2022, all 89 companies listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange have disclosed their 2021 annual reports. The listed company achieved a total operating income of 66.89 billion yuan, a net profit of 7.25 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.1% and 23.8% respectively, and a median net profit of 46.29 million yuan. 88 listed companies will achieve profitability in 2021, with a profit margin of 99%.

On the whole, in the face of complex and severe domestic and foreign situations and many risks and challenges, listed companies have maintained stable operations, enhanced their innovation-driven role, improved their liability structure, and continued to improve their standardization level, showing strong resilience and vitality.

Production and operation improved quality and efficiency, profitability increased steadily

The COVID-19 epidemic and rising commodity prices have had a huge impact on the economy, and the production and operation of small and medium-sized enterprises has been under greater pressure.

Specifically, 89 listed companies raised 18.89 billion yuan through public offerings, with an average of 210 million yuan per company. While the operating income of listed companies increased significantly, the period expense ratio decreased by 1.2 percentage points year-on-year, and the average inventory turnover rate increased by 27.9% year-on-year. The net profit of 54 listed companies increased year-on-year, 17 companies had a net profit increase of more than 30%, and nearly half of the companies had a net profit of more than 50 million. The global leader in negative electrode materials for lithium batteries, Beitri, achieved a net profit of 1.44 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 191.4%, and the domestic leader in carbon fiber precursors, Jilin Carbon Valley, achieved a net profit of 310 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 126.1%.

Different from traditional large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises have obvious asset-light attributes, and the improvement of the core competitiveness of enterprises relies more on the input of technology, talents and other factors. In 2021, the total R&D expenditure of listed companies will reach 3.04 billion yuan, and the R&D intensity will reach 4.7%, which is 3.3 times the average level of listed companies. Chuangyuan Instrument, a high-end wireless communication test instrument service provider, focuses on 5G/6G and millimeter wave research and development. The research and development intensity has exceeded 20% for three consecutive years, and the research and development intensity reached 39.2% during the reporting period. In order to fully and effectively motivate talents, 22 listed companies have implemented equity incentives or employee stock ownership plans, motivating a total of 1,880 employees. The average grant or exercise price is 67% of the market reference price, effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees and motivating listed companies. Innovative vitality.

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Benchmarking enterprises have initially formed an agglomeration effect, and the main position has continued to play their role effectively. 19 companies belong to the “specialized and special new” little giants of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 9 companies participate in the formulation of national and industry standards, and 2 companies have won the National Science and Technology Progress Award. The battery manufacturer Changhong Energy has a dual-core layout of “alkaline battery + lithium battery”, and has built the largest “high-rate cylindrical lithium battery” production base in the west. The military and civilian server supplier Xingchen Technology products have served many national aerospace projects such as the “Tiangong” and “Shenzhou” series of spacecraft measurement and control.

Significantly optimized liability structure and simultaneous expansion of domestic and overseas business

Since last year, the recovery of consumption and investment has been slow, the expansion of domestic demand and the stabilization of exports have faced challenges at the same time, the pressure of imported inflation has increased, and the production and operation of small and medium-sized enterprises have faced certain difficulties. enhanced. In 2021, companies listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange will receive a total of 710 million yuan in government subsidies, a year-on-year increase of 35.7%. Benefiting from flexible and precise monetary policies, long-term interest-bearing liabilities of listed companies will account for 21.8% of interest-bearing liabilities, an increase of 5.8 percentage points year-on-year. Liability structure improved significantly. The impetus for small and medium-sized enterprises to integrate into the dual cycle continues to increase. In 2021, listed companies will achieve domestic revenue of 54.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 29.5%; overseas revenue will be 12.71 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38.5%. Instant appetizers supplier Ge Shi Foods achieved domestic revenue of 160 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.1%; overseas revenue of 180 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 76.6%.

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Corporate governance is a key factor that determines the operational efficiency of listed companies. The special action on corporate governance in 2021 shows that the governance structure of listed companies is improving day by day, the operation of the three meetings is basically standardized, the ownership structure is significantly optimized, and an effective internal and external control mechanism is gradually established. The average shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder is 35.3%, a decrease of 9 percentage points compared with that before listing. All listed companies have appointed independent directors as required. Over 40% of the companies have established audit committees, and nearly 80% of listed companies have established internal audit departments. Supervise and direct the company’s financial and audit work. Investor relations management of listed companies has continued to be strengthened. Since the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, 55 companies have received 113 investigations from various investors. During the annual report disclosure period, 35 companies have held performance briefings. The chairman or general manager interacted with each other through video and text. Through other means to enhance interaction with investors, Senxuan Pharmaceuticals, Betray, etc. received over 100 questions from investors. The overall response rate of listed companies was close to 100%, and the market response was generally positive.

Investor returns are sustained and stable Actively practice social responsibilities

The potential of listed companies in continuously rewarding investors and serving national strategies continues to be effectively exerted. In terms of cash dividends, over 80% of the companies issued cash dividend plans, with a proposed dividend amount of 1.95 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11.2%, and 34 companies’ cash dividend ratios exceeded 40%. In terms of stabilizing employment, the number of employees of listed companies at the end of the reporting period totaled 73,000, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%, and more than 4,400 new jobs were created throughout the year, providing a strong guarantee for stabilizing employment and promoting people’s livelihood during the epidemic.

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In terms of environmental protection and poverty alleviation, 37 companies have actively taken energy-saving and consumption-reducing measures to promote the realization of the “dual carbon” goal. Jiaxian’s main production lines have invested a total of 47 million yuan in environmental protection; 26 companies have provided charitable donations, employment, and fixed-point assistance. and other means to help consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation. For 8 years, Ball Crown Cable has launched the “Glory Crown Assistance and Public Welfare Action”, and has joined hands with the Social Welfare Foundation to enter 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions including Xinjiang, Sichuan and Qinghai, helping nearly 1,000 children in 20 schools to complete their studies, helping 15 Hospitals have improved medical conditions, directly and indirectly benefiting about 80,000 people.

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