Home » Limana Cavarzano one point from triumph. Mastellotto: “There is a desire to celebrate”

Limana Cavarzano one point from triumph. Mastellotto: “There is a desire to celebrate”

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Limana Cavarzano one point from triumph.  Mastellotto: “There is a desire to celebrate”

Matteo Mastellotto

After the lost opportunity with the Spresiano, an equal Sunday in Sedico (16.30) with the Fontanelle will be enough and it will be Excellence


Forget the little understandable draw against Lovispresiano, in a hurry. Or maybe try to grasp the positive aspect of the 0-0 home match against the last in the standings that postponed the Limana Cavarzano party. In fact, now the fate of the Giallorossoblù is no longer linked to the result of Julia Sagittaria, defeated by Villorba and therefore unable to take advantage of the Belluno misstep. With an advantage of six points two days from the end, it takes very little to do it. A single draw is enough for the team of the disqualified (for one round) Max Parteli to rise to Excellence.

The goal is to get it already on Sunday, when the penultimate Fontanelle will arrive at 16.30. Be careful because we are playing on the Sedico synthetic, a field where a lot of satisfactions have come this year. Nobody remotely wants to think of another postponed party, not even the striker Matteo Mastellotto. The joke of a few days ago may already be enough.

Mastellotto, finished the gnawing phase?

“Yes, now yes. Of course, on Sunday in the locker room there was a bit of annoyance and I think it was inevitable. But we might as well look at the bright side of things. Having lost Julia against Villorba, we have moved on one more point and only one point is missing to be able to celebrate. We certainly have the desire to close the speech as soon as possible ».

It is strange to rethink a 0-0 against the very last in the standings. Have you given yourself an explanation of why the victory did not come?

«We were a bit like chickens, because especially in the second half we had at least five or six scoring chances. Not to mention the double crossbar in the same action. You certainly can’t just appeal to bad luck. That’s how it went now. Without doubt it is the confirmation of how it is always necessary to enter the field with the right attitude ».

Perhaps with Lovispresiano you have reaffirmed your characteristics, albeit in this case almost to the “extreme”: you suffer little, very little, if at all, but sometimes you struggle to realize the amount of play in front of you.

“There is a lack of cynicism in some circumstances. After that we are a team in which, in any case, in addition to Fabiane in double figures, the goals have been fairly evenly distributed among Del Din, myself, De Giacometti, Paier and so on ».

How do you face Fontanelle, penultimate and looking for points to cement the position in the playout?

«Remaining calm and serene. In the training sessions carried out so far I have seen a determined team eager to turn the page immediately. After all, there is no reason to worry about 0-0. At the same time, we don’t want to make it to the last day with the worry of still having to reach the goal ».

Playing Sedico brings you good. A coincidence or are there concrete explanations?

“No well, without a doubt for a team always looking for a proactive football like us it is an advantage to take the field on a synthetic where, among other things, we train twice a week”.

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