Home » Tax and land registry reform, agreement reached between the government and the center-right

Tax and land registry reform, agreement reached between the government and the center-right

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Tax and land registry reform, agreement reached between the government and the center-right

The Draghi government has reached an agreement with the center-right majority parties to unblock the land registry reform. “Any reference to the assets of the properties will be eliminated, allowing the updating of the annuities according to the legislation currently in force and without any innovation of a financial nature”, reads the note from the center-right after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Mario Draghi .

«The Italian land registry will therefore be progressively updated, but without changes compared to the current criteria. Also in this case excluded the possibility of new taxes on the house ». Lega and Forza Italia have also requested and obtained that the IMU rates can be reduced due to the emergence of the ghost properties. “The agreement reached allows us to reject the tax increase once and for all and confirms the responsibility of the government center-right that has worked on an agreement in recent weeks,” the note continues.

“If flat tax and coupon payments remain flat, if the taxes on housing and savings do not increase, if they accept our proposal, the League is ready to support the tax delegation bill, even if the land registry reform could involve taxation of a million ghost houses “. This was stated by the leader of the league, Matteo Salvini, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Mario Draghi. For Salvini, the League is showing “a sense of responsibility for taxation, competition, bathing establishments”.

«The house, for Italian families, is the first of the investments, the first house in particular is often the result of the savings of a life or even of several generations. Only we in the years we have governed have adopted a coherent set of policies in favor of homeowners. We have abolished the Imu on the first home, but also approved other measures which benefited both those who live in the house they own, and small investors and consequently also their tenants ”. Thus the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, on Facebook, after the agreement with the government on the fiscal delegation. “For this reason we have opposed this time, as in the last 25 years, to a proposal for a reform of the land registry that threatened to hit families and savings – he argued -. We asked for further information and we set to work to identify a satisfactory technical solution that we shared with the allies of the center-right government and which we then submitted to the government, which accepted it. Today we can finally say that there will be no new taxes on Italian homes and savings: a long and hard battle, but won ».

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