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eFootball 2022, missing modes and Master League: how will it work?

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eFootball 2022, missing modes and Master League: how will it work?

Face to face with the pro player Emiliano Spinelli, on the S-Venom field, to analyze what is missing, and how it will arrive, in eFootball 2022.

eFootball 2022 has received a substantial update in recent weeks, which has put some gameplay logic back in place and introduced a first mode, Dream Team, thanks to which it now makes sense to log in daily and think about playing in the long run. But, when it comes to modalities, there is still a lot of work to be done, and Konami knows it well.

In particular, it is the offline game, the one that has historically characterized the series of the Japanese house, to be cornered, that is, to have little content that can be explored either alone or with a friend. The fact that the first major update eFootball has not done much in this sense gives a good idea of ​​how the developers do not necessarily see it as a priority on their roadmap.

“Yes, the online component is the host, even if it is inevitable, being un free-to-play“, Explains Emiliano Spinelli, pro player with a 14-year career behind him, and a new professional season on the launching pad for June. “It is a clear choice of strategy and communication. Being a free-to-play, the revenue they want to do from the main mode – as is FUT for FIFA, I think they intend to do the same thing with Dream Team, and the choice has a logical coherence of the market “.

To date, important modalities are missing in eFootball 2022, such as the highly requested Master League, the 3 vs 3 co-op, the 11 vs 11 which, according to Spinelli, we can expect “in the coming months”. But the most important urgencies are evident right now: “One thing that perhaps many are asking and could have already introduced, two in reality: the possibility of playing with all the teams offline, because in any case still having those of November is a bit meh and even only five minutes away – at least put me on the ability to play for 10 minutes, at least to unlock the creation of live tournaments in presence; and also online lobbies to play with friends, even if only with the Dream Team mode, but at least give me the chance to match me with a friend. These would have been the things I would have put in immediately ”.

eFootball 2022, between DLC and Stages –

The latter is a not insignificant limitation, even if perhaps underestimated: today you can play with the large community of eFootball 2022 quite freely, but challenging a friend ‘from the real world‘ is a small undertaking. “Now you can only do matchmaking”, adds the pro player. “With my best friend, who is a neighbor, there is the filter that you can only look for in your area or go to increase gradually, so if you are in a party together you can catch yourself, but obviously it is not the legit way to do it”.

Beyond these improvements to the quality of life, which will have to come over time (and hopefully with a reasonable time), it was mentioned that some modalities such as the aforementioned Master League would have been paid DLCs. However, since DLC was discussed, Konami seems to have corrected the game a bit and veered on the concept of ‘Season’ – to date, we are in the first -, a concept practically in contrast to the contents to be purchased separately. At present, free-to-play titles feature battle passes with ad hoc challenges or introduce modes such as limited-time events, even if imagining a Master League – a content to devote hundreds of hours to throughout a season … football, however – as TLM it is a bit of a contradiction.

Edit mode –

“Initially, when they announced this change of course, it was rumored that it would be free-to-play with some modalities as a paid package,” recalls Spinelli. “I don’t know if this has been confirmed or not, they have confirmed that they are working on the various modes – they will re-add the Edit mode, which is very important and very loved because you can go and add the licenses you don’t have. It’s something they could already do – and the Edit also applies to you online. The moment you go to play against Milan RN, to you it would look like Milan with logo and all, so it would make sense online too – not on the player’s card of course, but when you go to play the shirts and logos are fixed, that’s why it’s important. And therefore a modality like Edit makes it difficult for me to think that it is paid, it should be free “.

eFootball 2022

On the Master League specifically, S-Venom (this is his name on the pitch, he believes that “it will not be paid, but it is more my opinion: you can make the revenue on the Master League, because there is the enthusiast who if you buy it, but you create more controversy than it brings you economic value I would focus so much on the nostalgia factor – release a card linked to the event on Dream Team where you have Castolo… “.

The road ahead –

The road to eFootball 2022 is, again, very long, in one sense and the other: there is a lot of work to do especially to mend the relationships with the historical users of the series, and there is a long time that Konami has is given to succeed, since there will be no annual releases as happens with FIFA or is happened in the past with PES. However, the priorities of the Japanese software house must also be taken into account, which now aims at a substantially different and quite heterogeneous audience, ranging from FUT to Fortnite – a generation, online, that speaks a completely different language from that of Castolo and his companions.

06 May 2022 (change 06 May 2022 | 09:54)

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