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Unswervingly adhere to the general strategy and general policy, and do a good job of normalized epidemic prevention and control | Epidemic_Sina News

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Unswervingly adhere to the general strategy and general policy, and do a good job of normalized epidemic prevention and control | Epidemic_Sina News

Unswervingly adhere to the general strategy and general policy, and do a good job of normalized epidemic prevention and control in a strict and practical manner

Immediately after the 01 edition, it is necessary to strengthen multi-channel monitoring and early warning, adhere to the “human, material, and environmental” protection, continue to do a good job in key groups, key places, five small industries, imported cold chain food and environmental monitoring, and strengthen the sampling inspection of employees in key industries; Comprehensively strengthen the management of key public places, and focus on the prevention and control of ten types of places with closed spaces, people gathering and high mobility, such as bars, dance halls, chess and card rooms, Internet cafes, script killings, homestays, and online appointment rooms. It is the responsibility of all parties to strengthen the prevention and control of various public toilets, strengthen the grid management of villages and communities, and effectively build a line of defense for group prevention and control.

Wang Fengchao emphasized that it is necessary to be fully prepared for a protracted war, seize the recent window period when the city’s epidemic situation is stable, comprehensively improve various prevention and control capabilities, and enhance the city’s emergency response level under extreme circumstances. First, we must do a good job of stockpiling centralized isolation places. Accelerate the construction and renovation of large-scale centralized isolation sites, scientifically and rationally arrange functional divisions, strengthen staff training, and formulate careful, meticulous, and operational isolation reserve plans, and resolutely ensure that people at risk of the epidemic “should be separated from each other” and “should be managed despite.” . Second, we must speed up the improvement of nucleic acid detection efficiency. Pay close attention to the daily nucleic acid testing capacity target, accelerate the construction of nucleic acid testing-related facilities, continue to optimize the process of collection, delivery, inspection, and reporting, and adopt a “fixed + mobile” approach to reasonably set up convenient nucleic acid sampling points. The third is to speed up the construction of makeshift hospitals. Focus on strengthening internal design, rationally plan personnel movements, speed up the implementation of work related to the construction of makeshift hospitals in districts (cities) and counties, and do a good job in ensuring normal medical services in the context of the epidemic. Fourth, we must increase vaccination efforts. Carry out door-to-door publicity and mobilization, promote and strengthen needle vaccination, and optimize vaccination services for special groups such as the elderly and the disabled. Fifth, we must strengthen responsibility, implement the “quartet of responsibilities”, and make every effort to consolidate the hard-won results of epidemic prevention and control. Profound, complete, and comprehensive understanding of the guidelines and policies for epidemic prevention and control determined by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and implement them in light of the actual situation in Chengdu; Supervise and inspect to ensure the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control requirements.

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Relevant deputy commanders and heads of various working groups attended the meeting.

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