Home » Other than chili or coffee, if libido decreases here is a little known plant that would help and also improve memory

Other than chili or coffee, if libido decreases here is a little known plant that would help and also improve memory

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Other than chili or coffee, if libido decreases here is a little known plant that would help and also improve memory

Sometimes age, but also fatigue, could lead to a decrease in desire and libido. A situation that could also generate psychological distress. Generally, a well-regulated life with a minimum of physical activity should help health in every sense. When you feel tired and dejected then you gladly resort to a coffee. Caffeine gives us the right boost to get back in shape. However, some find coffee too aggressive for the stomach. Especially when drinking on an empty stomach, this could happen.

To decrease the aggressiveness of the coffee, just add a pinch of this spice. In addition to making the coffee more aromatic, it would also make it more stomach-friendly. Coffee would also stimulate the nervous system, helping the libido as well. Aphrodisiac properties are also attributed to chilli. However, other than chili or coffee, if the craving decreases it could be down to something else.

A decline in sexual desire

A drop in libido could also occur within the couple and could depend on some factors. If the decrease in desire were reciprocal in the couple, one could think of psychological factors. These could have repercussions on the sexual sphere. Advancing age and a drop in the hormone testosterone could also lead to a decrease in libido. However, there are also diseases that affect desire. So it is with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. But also for diabetes, endometriosis or erectile dysfunction. Each of these causes deserves a specific path of treatment. So it is always better to consult a doctor to identify the cause.

Other than chili or coffee, if libido decreases here is a little known plant that would help and also improve memory

It should be added that the lack of libido could also depend on momentary conditions. For example, a week of overwork. This involves great physical fatigue, with possible repercussions also on desire. It could also be due to psychological stress, which leads to the same consequences. In these cases there is a plant of Andean origins, the maca. It is also known as Peruvian ginseng, because the roots of this plant are used. Its properties would consist in improving the general energy level and also the memory.

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Maca is believed to be useful in promoting hormonal balance in women. Not only that, but also to improve fertility and increase male and female libido. Furthermore, it could help the immune system. It is a useful root to resolve those momentary drops in desire that sometimes occur in couples. It can be purchased freely in pharmacies, parapharmacies and herbalists.

Recommended reading

This pleasant salad herb would support testicular and ovarian function, and would be a valuable aid to strengthen bones and eyesight.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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