Home » Do you lose a lot of hair during this time? here is the food that will solve any problem!

Do you lose a lot of hair during this time? here is the food that will solve any problem!

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Do you lose a lot of hair during this time?  here is the food that will solve any problem!

Don’t worry if you lose a lot of hair it is normal for this to happen at the change of season, especially between summer and autumn. This does not mean that it cannot also happen in other seasons. Hormones change and the repercussions are also noticeable on the skin and hair. It is not yet known why this happens but there are effective solutions that can block the change.

In particular, there is a vegetable that gives substantial help to stop hair loss in the short term. We are talking about the carrot, which in addition to possessing important substances for the health of sight, also acts as a calming agent for hormonal changes. Let’s entrust the care to this amazing vegetable and find out how it can intervene in solving the problem.

Eat carrots when you lose a lot of hair

A balanced diet affects scalp health more than you think. A correct intake of micro and macro nutrients is what determines the slowdown or spread of hair loss. If some types of minerals are missing, the hair bulbs are also weakened, leading to annoying discomfort in hair growth.

Your body sees hair as a non-essential system so it won’t be too interested in ensuring it has the right nutritional supplies. If there is an imbalance, it will first think about preserving the well-being of organs and tissues. For this reason, when we suffer from a deficiency or even in the case of an overdose, the first to suffer are the hair.

Carrots contain essential trace elements such as vitamins and minerals. These include: vitamins A, B, C and E. These groups of vitamins help stimulate the production of sebum, strengthen the hair by making it thicker and more voluminous and improve blood circulation in the scalp area. This synergy of action prevents hair loss and strengthens the hair shaft itself.

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The minerals found in carrots, magnesium and phosphorus also significantly slow down the graying of the hair while maintaining a natural shine. These two microelements are often present in a reduced form in our body and cause important hormonal imbalances. Therefore, it is essential to ensure a continuous and prolonged intake over time.

How to consume carrots to get results

When you lose a lot of hair you can consume carrots either naturally, in a salad or cooked, or in liquid version in the form of juice. Combine carrots with the consumption of cucumbers which also contribute to the well-being of the scalp. You can eat carrots and cucumber every day because they have no contraindications.

If you prefer to consume vegetables in the form of juice, add celery: together they create a trio of nutrients with the intent of carrying out anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and strengthening actions. After a few weeks you will see your hair regain its old vigor and appear stronger and healthier. The minerals will create that protective barrier capable of resisting the atmospheric changes to which the hair is subjected especially during the change of season.

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