Home » At Montanaro rave along the Orco, the Carabinieri block the access

At Montanaro rave along the Orco, the Carabinieri block the access

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At Montanaro rave along the Orco, the Carabinieri block the access

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Around a hundred people in the Prato Mariano region. Two years ago another event was organized in the same area. Even then, the police had contained the mass arrivals

MONTANARO. The people of the rave party returned to the Prato Mariano region, along the banks of the Orco stream in Montanaro. The young people, who arrived in the early hours of today, Sunday 15, aboard campers and cars are about a hundred. Other arrivals were blocked by the carabinieri of the Chivasso company who are patrolling the area. For the moment, no riots have been reported, while the volume of techno music is only heard in the area, without bothering the residents.

The last rave in Montanaro dates back to two years ago. And even on that occasion the police had managed to contain the mass arrivals. Retracing their steps, however, some young people had bivouacked at the Chivasso railway station, waiting to take the trains to Milan. And in the same night someone set a fire on the ecological island located in the Movicentro area a few meters from the station.

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