Home Ā» If you wanted to drop three or four pounds before summer, along with diet and exercise, this natural aid would be perfect!

If you wanted to drop three or four pounds before summer, along with diet and exercise, this natural aid would be perfect!

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If you wanted to drop three or four pounds before summer, along with diet and exercise, this natural aid would be perfect!

Matcha tea originates from China and is made from ground green tea leaves. Thanks to its high quality ingredients, it is currently establishing a lot in Italy as well.

But how exactly does Matcha affect the body, and more importantly, is it true that it can help you lose weight?

We are in June and the summer holidays are almost upon us. If you wanted to shed three or four kilos before the summer, a natural help would be perfect!

Matcha tea is considered a super drink, as it appears to have amazing effects on metabolism and also on weight loss!

But, before we continue to examine the properties of this tea, we would like to remind you that there is nothing miraculous about losing weight. There are certainly important aids, but they must be associated with a basic change in one’s diet, also introducing other foods that help metabolism and constant physical exercise.

Summer is approaching and with it the swimsuit test, try this special tea for weight loss

While Matcha tea is not a miracle weight loss cure, as we mentioned earlier, it can still help those who want to lose a few pounds to support and strengthen their diet.

This is due to the ingredients contained in this special oriental tea, which allow to accelerate the metabolism and transform fats into energy.

But how does this tea do this? By increasing thermogenesis and thereby helping the body to burn more energy. Thermogenesis consists in the production of heat by the body, especially in the adipose and muscle tissue.

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If you wanted to drop three or four pounds before summer, along with diet and exercise, this natural aid would be perfect!

As we anticipated earlier, the miracle cure for effortless weight loss does not exist and never will. To lose weight, the only thing that helps is a radical change in one’s lifestyle and eating habits which, over time, leads to a normalization of the metabolism.

However, Matcha tea is an excellent natural aid to give an extra boost to your metabolism, thanks to its precious ingredients: caffeine and catechins. Some studies suggest that the combination of these two ingredients has an impact on the metabolism of fat and calories, in what way? Caffeine allows the intestine to absorb less fat and also to balance sugars, as shown by a food research; the catechins, on the other hand, stimulate thermogenesis; in this way the basal metabolic rate increases.

Thermogenesis: this is the secret of weight loss!

It is precisely thermogenesis, or the generation of body heat at rest or as part of the normal digestive process after a meal, that plays an important role in weight loss, because the body is forced to spend more energy to metabolize the food ingested. .

The drink and its components have been shown to have these effects on the body. The studies done, however, are independent and not representative; therefore, as always, you have to go with lead feet.

But there is still one last reason why Matcha tea might be suitable for weight loss: if you have a healthy intestinal flora, you will also have less craving for sweets and carbohydrates, which are the foods that make you fat the most. gradually regularize the intestinal flora and for this reason the desire for sweets would decrease. Effective studies on this, however, have not yet been presented.

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How to speed up metabolism and lose weight?

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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