Home » Alzheimer’s: 5 Healthy Habits You Should Have If You’re Over 65 To Live Longer And Prevent Dementia

Alzheimer’s: 5 Healthy Habits You Should Have If You’re Over 65 To Live Longer And Prevent Dementia

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Alzheimer’s: 5 Healthy Habits You Should Have If You’re Over 65 To Live Longer And Prevent Dementia

According to recent research, a healthy and active lifestyle would increase people’s life expectancy, and decrease the risk of developing the symptoms of senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

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Daily healthy lifestyle habits can keep your brain fit and help you live longer, new research has shown.

The study recently published in the British Medical Journal found that people aged 65 and over who had a healthy lifestyle lived longer (3.1 years longer for women, 5.7 years longer for men) than their peers who didn’t have the same lifestyle. They also spent most of their remaining years without the Alzheimer’s disease.

(Read also: A healthy lifestyle increases the life expectancy of people with Alzheimer’s and delays the onset of dementia)

I study

In the study, participants scored very high if they reported at least four of these five considered healthy habits:

  1. follow the MIND dietwhich prefers “good” fats and vegetables over foods of animal origin and highly processed.
  2. engaging in cognitive activities, such as reading and puzzles
  3. be physically active, i.e. perform at least 150 minutes a week
  4. not smoking
  5. limit alcohol consumption (no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men).

This study highlights how lifestyle can potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia by up to 60%.

This research also joins other studies that have investigated the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, such as Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP) a biracial study of over 10,000 Chicago residents.

See also  Alzheimer, the first symptoms (related to myelin) that may indicate that you suffer from the disease. The Spanish study

The researchers then found that people who followed healthier, more active lifestyles had a much slower rate of cognitive decline.

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Source: BMJ

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