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“I am disabled after the vaccine, but for the state I don’t exist”

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“I am disabled after the vaccine, but for the state I don’t exist”

The dramatic story of Roberto Sciotta, a road hauler from the Gargano overwhelmed last June 9 by a wave of adverse vaccine reactions: fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s phenomenon, connective tissue disease, cutaneous vasculitis, Sjogren’s syndrome and scleroderma, all ascertained: “There are days that I am afraid of dying, it is not easy to be near me when I bleed from the mouth Ā». In June he will be fired and the doors of unemployment will open: Ā«For these pathologies the State does not recognize the invalidity, they vaccinated me at an open day in which they should not have had the injection. I will ask the governor Emiliano for an account Ā».

On 9 June he will be fired because he will have finished his sick year. Then, for Roberto Sciotta, 40 years old, the doors of unemployment will open in August: invalid because of the vaccine, but for the State he is a ghost.

Yet, the pathologies arising after inoculation are so and many to make a “chronic” disease pale: fibromyalgia is added in order: Raynaud’s phenomenon, connective tissue disease, cutaneous vasculitis, Sjogren’s syndrome and scleroderma. His life after that sting is hell and the fact of having to depend on others, in the hope that the state, in the meantime, will recognize a disability that to date does not recognize him, is the biggest humiliation for this hauler. of San Nicandro del Gargano who, one year after the vaccine, lives enticed and moves with special crutches that do not weigh on the hands.

After a year of struggle, in which the diseases that have been diagnosed are all with the definition following the covid vaccine, Roberto is afraid. He knows that he will never be able to go back to the way he was before, he knows that he will no longer be able to drive his truck and he knows that the fibromyalgia he suffers from, along with many other pathologies all incurred after the vaccination of last June 6, are not they will go.

He entrusted his outburst to a video on Facebook. A crude and moving testimony in which he says that he wants to fight and that he cannot but question those who continue to be obstinate about “goodness” without ifs and buts of anti-covid vaccines or who, like the institutions, turns away from them dramas of pain and indifference. Roberto has made with his daughter Rosanna an awareness video on patients with fibromyalgia, an increasingly frequent and not yet fully deciphered pathology which, however, is excluded from Lea (Essential levels of assistance) and which therefore does not give the right to recognition or civil compensation or invalidity.

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Thus, with no prospect of work nowwith only the possibility of a long, costly and uncertain legal and trade union battle ahead of him, Roberto turned to Compass so that someone notices this tragedy deriving from the forced vaccination to which the population was subjected in the course of 2021. And to which he replied on June 6, 2021, regretting it immediately afterwards.

Roberto, the usual civic sense …?

After the various pressures of the company it seemed logical to me. I drove refrigerated trucks, I rode with Italy in lockdown and I realized what a stopped country meant. So, one Sunday, returning from the sea, I decided to participate in a open day.


I made the single-dose Johnson, a colleague warned me: ā€œJust go, without reservationā€. I trusted.

And instead?

And instead I only found out later that it was a open day reserved for the over 40s. Why wasn’t I prevented from doing so? This is one of the things I ask the Apulian governor Michele Emiliano.

When did the first symptoms appear after the vaccine?

A few hours later, the same evening I already had a very strong headache and pain in the legs combined with swelling.

Have you ever suffered from these ailments?

Never. Healthy as a fish, to travel 30,000 km a year you have to be healthy.

What do you decide to do?

After the appearance of varicose veins and red spots I feel a sensation of fire that I have never experienced. I tried not to think about it because at the vaccination center I was told that these could be symptoms of any temporary adverse reactions. Insteadā€¦


Instead my ordeal was beginning that would change my life forever.

Are you going to the hospital?

the day after. I get accompanied to the emergency room of San Nicandro, they visit me and they don’t tell me anything in particular, but the doctor tells me to go to the Home relief of suffering (the hospital of Padre Pio ed.)

How are you?

On the 9th I am in San Giovanni Rotondo: they diagnose me with lymphadenitis with vasculitis and they give me heparin, for them, in essence, it is a normal vaccine reaction. Nothing more. Instead I was getting worse and worse. The pains increase day by day, go up along the upper limbs, reach the back. I am sick and on June 18 I go back to the emergency room in San Severo: they call me crazy and accuse me of being influenced by television.


What then on TV about adverse reactions is almost never talked about …


What happens next?

I go in and out of the hospitals for the following days. On the 21st I am back in San Giovanni Rotondo, they discharged me with a diagnosis of sciatica pain, they suspect a hernia, but I kept explaining that my ankles were swollen, the problem was not in the back, but in the legs.

Problems previously?

Never, never, never. I couldn’t have been a hauler if I didn’t have iron health.

How is it going on?

On July 16th I can’t get up anymore, I can’t move my legs, I’m paralyzed. They take me to the emergency room in a wheelchair and there a doctor tells me: “It is inadmissible that you are treated in this way”.

What did that mean?

That my problem could not be treated in the emergency room. So he admits me to internal medicine and they begin to suspect a syndrome of Guillaume Barre.

It is one of the possible consequences of the vaccine, in fact …

After ten days of hospitalization, they discharged me with a diagnosis of diffuse polyarthralgia following the vaccine and told me to come back in September after having undergone the therapy. In September, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia following vaccination.

Was it to the neurologist?

I did everything, even the magnetic resonance, even at the psychiatrist because fibromyalgia is also treated with psychiatric drugs that regulate the pain threshold.

In the meantime, what’s the mood like?

With what happened to me, the psychiatrist also diagnosed me with depression following these traumatic events.

Well … it’s the minimum …

I was fine, earning well, I could have allowed my daughter to do decent studies, but now that workforce is no longer in my house. But beyond the diagnosis I do not tell you the doctors who have treated the psychological relapses superficially: there were also those who accused me of being anxious. I replied: try yourself not to have the strength to get out of bed and not to have this disability recognized.

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This is the point.

My skin hardens like a rind, it becomes very sensitive to cold because it has undergone an alteration of the peripheral nerve tissues, I suffer from spasms, the fingers of the hands are thickened, I suffer from dryness of the oral cavity and eyes, plus I struggle to rearrange certain thoughts. These are autoimmune diseases correlated with the stimulation of the immune system. The new rheumatologist is the only person who understood my problem: she recognized vaccine-related diseases as well as fibromyalgia.

What is the disability situation like?

In addition to physical damage, I cannot have any type of recognition, I cannot apply for disability because it is a matter of pathologies that are not included in the lea, therefore, there is no exemption code. I’ll have to rely on a lawyer.

And the job?

I can no longer take care of what I did before, even just because of the pressure compress I would not be able to drive the truck. My problem is not only health, but also how to support my family.

Is your family close to you?

Yes, my wife and my daughter above all, but it’s not easy to be near me: sometimes I have excruciating pain, my teeth and gums bleed, I can’t speak. My parents lost 20 years of life for the pain of seeing me like this: certain diseases become disabling even for the relatives around you.

How many drugs do you take?

15 drugs a day, almost all at my expense. I don’t tell you how much I’ve spent so far.

What do you ask of the institutions?

First of all to the Puglia Region and to President Emiliano: why did you make me have a vaccine that I shouldn’t have done at that moment?

And to the state?

I would like to ask the State to look at me: my pathologies are all chronic and disabling, I already know that my life is destined to be like this forever, I am young, but the Roberto from before is no longer there: he has stopped forever on June 6.

Now will a long legal battle begin to get her disability recognized?

I have a constant fear of failing, there are times that I am afraid of dying, the pains are so strong. But now my battle will be this. I owe it to Rosanna and my wife.

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