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Smallpox of the monkeys, Pregliasco: “Act or we will have thousands of cases”

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Smallpox of the monkeys, Pregliasco: “Act or we will have thousands of cases”

“On monkeypox surely we are seeing the tip of the iceberg. At this moment it is essential, without alarmism, to talk about it and be able to contain the fire while it is small“. If we do,” I believe that within a month or 2 in Italy we could have a hundred, at most a few hundred cases. the cases could reach a few thousand“. The virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor at the State University of Milan, renews the invitation to” act now. The fire must now be extinguished while it is still limited “, he reiterates to beraking latest news Salute.

In the latest update on Monkeypox virus outbreaks, the World Health Organization reported 257 confirmed and about 120 suspected cases in 23 countries. Atypical counts, in countries where the infection is not endemic, that theOms consider thebeginning of a diffusion destined to increase. The director of IRCCS Galeazzi agrees: “We must ensure that there can be a effective trackingan identification of suspected cases and close contacts “, says Pregliasco. Contacts for which, he repeats,” it would be advisable to prepare a 21-day quarantine“. After the Covid lesson,” I am confident in the country’s organizational capacity to stop cases. It is clear – specifies the expert – that a great deal also depends on the responsibility of individualsin terms of behavior and reporting any symptoms of the infection “.

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