Home » FIMMG Bari – Prescription diabetic aids: letter to the Region

FIMMG Bari – Prescription diabetic aids: letter to the Region

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FIMMG Bari – Prescription diabetic aids: letter to the Region

It is not for general practitioners the task of having to recompile the therapeutic plan not for a clinical need of the patient.

Monday 30 May 2022

The Puglia Regional General Secretary

Prot. 42/22 of 30/05/2022

Egr. Councilor for Health of the Puglia Region

Egr. Director of the Health and Wellness Promotion Department of the Puglia Region

To the Directors of AA.SS.LL. Puglia

Subject: prescription for diabetic aids.

The writer OS reports that in these days circular letters from some pharmaceutical areas of Health Authorities of this Region arrive, addressed to pharmacies, some without date and protocol, which in authorizing the pharmacist to “automatically replace with another glucometer available in the DPC channel” attributes in an absolutely arbitrary way to general practitioners the task of having to recompile the therapeutic plan not for a clinical need of the patient.

It is painful to point out that what is happening today with regard to this problem is clearly linked to inefficiencies on a logistical and organizational level for which doctors have no responsibility and to which the Region must find solutions that in no way can further fall on the activity of medical doctors. general.

In fact, the writer OS with note Prot. 36/22 of 06/05/2022 highlighted the strong discomfort of the category with respect to the compilation of the therapeutic plans for diabetic aids due to the considerable workload to which the GPs are subjected which is added to a useless and pervasive bureaucratic activity. Subsequently, with a note Prot. 38/22 of 12/05/2022 in the spirit of not abandoning their patients and at the same time contributing with the Region in finding a constructive solution, it put forward an operational proposal to dilute this activity until 31 December.

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Well, the silence and inertia of the Region with respect to the problems posed and the proposal formulated which perhaps today, if adopted, could have been precisely the solution to the logistical and organizational problems of the Region, does not allow the category to be able to give further answers on the issue. and therefore foretells that general practitioners, once the therapeutic plan for the aids has been compiled on the basis of what has been agreed and in line with the principles of DGR 610/2021, will at no time recompile the same for organizational logistical problems that are the sole responsibility of the Region.

We take this opportunity to reiterate the request to convene the Regional Permanent Committee on the subject.

Bari, May 30, 2022

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