Home » Ukrainian war, Biden’s move: we send Himars – Foreign missiles to Kiev

Ukrainian war, Biden’s move: we send Himars – Foreign missiles to Kiev

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Ukrainian war, Biden’s move: we send Himars – Foreign missiles to Kiev

Kiev, June 1, 2022 – On the 98th day of guerra in Ukrainemakes the newseditorial published on New York Times signed by Joe Biden. The president of the United States has announced the dispatch of “more advanced missile systems” to Kiev.

Biden: We send missiles to Kiev

Translated it would be missili Himars, explain sources of the US administration, with a range of 80 km. In recent days, CNN had talked about a new package of military aid for Ukraine that would include the Himars but also the more powerful Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Mlrs), capable of reaching 300 km away.

But “we are not encouraging or allowing Ukraine to strike beyond its borders – Biden hastens to explain in his editorial -. We do not want to prolong the war just to inflict pain on Russia”, Nor “we are looking for a war between NATO and Russia. However much he disagrees with Putin and finds his actions an outrage, the United States will not try to overthrow him. ” And again: “As long as the United States or our allies are not attacked, we will not be directly involved in this conflict, neither by sending American troops to fight in Ukraine nor by attacking Russian forces”.

Zelensky: “We will not attack Russia”

For his part, the president Volodymyr  Zelensky reiterated today that Kiev has no intention of launching an offensive on Russian territory. “I know that people in the United States are saying, or someone in the White House is saying, that we could use them (the Himars, ed) to attack Russia – he said in an interview with US broadcaster Newsmax TV, commenting on the American news -. We have no intention of attacking Russia. We are not interested in the Russian Federation. We are not fighting on their territory. ”

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At the same time, the Ukrainian leader repeated, Kiev will not give anything to Moscow: “Our territories are our territories: it is our independence, our sovereignty; this is the problem”, Zelenskyy said acknowledging that “there are some difficulties with some territories. There are some details, but all these difficulties could be discussed and those discussions would be necessary to stop the war. ”

L’offensiva in Donbass

Putin wants the Donbass and according to the Ukrainian secret services, Putin would have given the order to occupy the entire Ukrainian regions of Lugansk e Donetsk. The situation in that geographic region “is very complicated”, admits Zelensky, stating that the epicenter of the clash is now the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysychansk and Kurakhove.

Just a Severodonetsk the siege via heaven and earth continues by the Russians who yesterday also hit a chemical plant. “Madness”, according to Zelensky. The leader Chechen Kadyrov he claimed that the Kremlin forces have full control of the city: according to British intelligence they have occupied more than half of it. For the governor of Lugansk: “Better a strategic retreat”, to save the 12 thousand trapped civilians.

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