Home » Sexist attack on the mayor candidate: “What can a woman with a heel 12 understand about construction sites?”

Sexist attack on the mayor candidate: “What can a woman with a heel 12 understand about construction sites?”

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Sexist attack on the mayor candidate: “What can a woman with a heel 12 understand about construction sites?”

“How can you think that a woman with a 12 heel who goes to a construction site can understand something? is the phrase that stains the electoral campaign of Rignano sull’Arno, the birthplace of Matteo Renzi in the province of Florence, with sexism.

The comment – which had the merit of quickly qualifying the political stature of those who pronounced it – came out of the mouth of Michele Matrone (candidate for mayor supported by the center-right) to denigrate Dominga Guerri, candidate for mayor of the country, expression of the list rival, of the center-left and current deputy mayor. To denounce the fact is the movement «Together for Rignano» which nominated the same Guerri, explaining that the offenses would have been advanced «in an electoral meeting which took place on May 31, in San Donato in Collina».

“Claims on the fact that women are not (euphemistically) capable of carrying out political activity because of their choices in terms of clothing, heels and attitudes – underlines the Together for Rignano list in a note -, is offensive to our entire civic movement and it concerns all Rignanese citizenship “. And then again: «We believe it is necessary to keep a high level of attention towards sexual discrimination and the dignity of women. It is regrettable that, still in 2022, sexist words can be used that no longer belong to any political coalition. The use of personal attacks, seasoned with shameful and retrograde statements, is ignoble and must be strongly condemned ».

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