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Ivrea, The great invasion: dialogues and stories of the city

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Ivrea, The great invasion: dialogues and stories of the city
A moment of Two sides of the same coin

The Ivrea book club presents three original events at the church of San Gaudenzio. Reading by the actor Marco Bandiera from Spritz on Olivetti as seen by Giorgio Soavi

IVREA.He will also participate this year in The Great Invasion, The Ivrea Book Club, and will do so with three original events, curated by Ornella Cerutti and Francesca Baro, hosted in the church of San Gaudenzio. These are imaginary dialogues that take place between two female characters from famous novels: on Friday 3, in Anna in the mirror, the audience will witness a dialogue between Anna Karenina next to the train platform and the younger Anna Karenina, full of dreams and hopes; Saturday 4, in What happened to Berthe?, there will be, instead, Madame Bovary and her daughter Berthe, in a dialogue of confrontation between mother and adult daughter; Sunday 5th, with Two faces of the same coin: Scarlett and Melanie tell each other, then Scarlett O’Hara and Melanie Hamilton will appear and, in their chat, they will tell about their world, that civilization gone with the wind. It was in 2015 that Ornella and Francesca founded The Ivrea Book Club, a reading group that meets at the Book Gallery, in via Palestro, to analyze a novel or a collection of short stories. The first participation in the reading festival dates back to 2018 and it is on that occasion that the founders manage to find the ideal formula to transfer a reading group to a literary festival, as it is not possible to carry out the usual activity with a new audience. Thus were born the first imaginary Interviews with characters or writers who investigate the protagonists for more than the contents of the pages and update relevant literary themes. With the Imaginary Dialogues, on the other hand, built on original texts by Ornella and Francesca, the different characters reveal, instead, anxieties and mysteries. With a few touches of eccentricity. The meetings will be held at 11.45 am; booking tickets at the Book Gallery (0125/641212).

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Another interesting event linked, albeit in a different way, to the city of Ivrea, is the one sponsored by the Olivetti Historical Archive association, entitled La Mia Olivetti. Giorgio Soavi’s Corner, hosted on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5, always from 11 to 11.50, by Spritz, the beautiful store-cultural space of the brothers Andrea and Cristina Mazzola, in via Arduino 6. The protagonist is the student actor Marco Bandiera who proposes a reading starting from the text Adriano Olivetti: An Italian surprise, in which the author, Giorgio Soavi, tells what Olivetti was for him and, above all, the relationship with Adriano. The project, presented for the first time, last May, at the Portaportese Theater in Rome, aims to tell the story of Adriano Olivetti-a man intertwined with Adriano Olivetti-entrepreneur. F.F.

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