Home » During the Dragon Boat Festival, the railway passenger flow is low and the “rail + bus” seamless transfer passengers can go directly to Qu Yuan’s hometown from Yichang East Station.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the railway passenger flow is low and the “rail + bus” seamless transfer passengers can go directly to Qu Yuan’s hometown from Yichang East Station.

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Chutian Metropolis Daily Jimu News (Reporter Pan Xiheng Correspondent Wu Tiexuan) Yesterday, Jimu News reporter learned from China Railway Wuhan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. By the end of the 5th, for a total of 4 days, the Wuhan Railway is expected to send a total of 1 million passengers, and the passenger flow in the Wuhan Railway is generally running at a low level.

According to the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control, the pre-sale period of railway tickets will be adjusted to 15 days from June 1. Wuhan Railway has paid close attention to the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies and changes in passenger flow across the country. From the big data analysis of the 12306 ticketing system, passenger flow has shown a trend of recovery, and short-distance passenger flow in some low-risk areas is concentrated.

During the Dragon Boat Festival this year, it is expected that the Wuhan Railway will still focus on the passenger flow of visiting relatives and friends, short-distance travel, and students taking early holidays. The Wuhan railway department will precisely implement “one map a day”, and on the basis of strictly implementing epidemic prevention and control measures, dynamically and flexibly arrange capacity, increase passenger trains in a timely manner, and issue tickets in a timely manner to meet the travel needs of passengers.

In order to better satisfy tourists from all over the world to enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival feast in Qu Yuan’s hometown and feel the cultural charm of “Qu Yuan’s Hometown Dragon Boat Festival”, during the Dragon Boat Festival, Wu Railway will drive more than 130 cars to Yichang, and Yichang East Station will specially contact the local bus group. Arrange the bus from the railway station to Qu Yuan’s hometown, realize the seamless transfer of “railway + bus”, and facilitate passengers to experience the Dragon Boat Festival culture and folk customs.

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The railway department reminds that at present, the pre-sale period of railway tickets has been adjusted to 15 days (including the day), and the specific arrangements for trains during the holidays can be inquired through the official website of Railway 12306 (including mobile clients) and announcements of major railway stations. During the trip, please wear a mask in the whole process, cooperate with the railway department to implement various epidemic prevention measures, and jointly maintain a safe and healthy travel environment.

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