Home » Looking for a caregiver or babysitter? It can also be requested at the pharmacy: the counter has been activated to help families

Looking for a caregiver or babysitter? It can also be requested at the pharmacy: the counter has been activated to help families

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Looking for a caregiver or babysitter?  It can also be requested at the pharmacy: the counter has been activated to help families

It is the project of the public company, which is now looking for a private partner. You can also ask for information to hire a babysitter

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A counter in the pharmacy where you can find information and help to find a family assistant or other services necessary for families and situations of fragility: this is the project of Municipal Pharmacies, a public company based in Porcia, which is looking for a private partner to start this business in the offices in the province of Pordenone.

A project that was born out of the desire to experiment “a modality that allows the improvement of the offer of interventions and services for assistance to people in conditions of fragility, in particular the elderly” and from the awareness that “the current social complexity, increased by unpredictable and unmanageable determinants, it requires to be faced a “collective space” of collaboration and commitment that overcomes the dualistic public / private logic and that …

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