Home » Eating junk food ruins your health as much as smoking cigarettes

Eating junk food ruins your health as much as smoking cigarettes

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Eating junk food ruins your health as much as smoking cigarettes

According to a recent Australian study, eating junk food would affect the health system as much as the tobacco industry.

Sandwich with chips (Pixabay)

According to a recent Australian study, eating junk food would affect the health system as much as the tobacco industry. This indicates the severity of a reckless and unhealthy diet. In recent years, if many people have quit smoking, aware of the risks of smoking on the body, the number of seriously ill patients has increased due to incorrect power supplies.

Whose fault is it? There are many factors, starting with fast food, which is the main cause of obesity among children. If not everyone smokes, everyone eats, and it cannot be otherwise, therefore healthy eating it is essential to stay healthy. The problem is global, obesity is an increasingly widespread disease in the world.

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Poor nutrition and junk food compromise health

Bad nutrition risks
French fries (Pixabay)

Junk food leads to obesity, obesity leads to many health problems causing, every year, more than 10 million deaths around the planet. A wrong diet carries greater risks than tobacco smoking, highlighting a dramatic situation.

Unfortunately, the frenetic rhythms imposed by society, the little free time, the stress of every day push us to eat quickly. Eating fast means not paying attention to the diet, and therefore you opt for a simple and quick meal, which almost always translates into junk food. In addition, delivery apps connected with restaurants have also made the situation worse.

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Just one click to order and be served directly at home. A convenience that backfires. When ordering, obviously unhealthy foods are chosen. Improper nutrition is a big problem that jeopardizes our health, exposing us to numerous diseasessome even serious, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and all problems related to being overweight.

Even if today it is so fashionable to defend overweight, even when this is too excessive, it is certainly not healthy, nor synonymous with beauty. Being overweight, obviously we are talking about several kg, can compromise the quality of sleep, lower the immune defenses, affect mood and expose you to a greater risk of cognitive decline. Being careful with your diet does not mean making huge sacrifices or giving up many good meals.

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The secret is to adopt a varied, fresh, mainly vegetable diet, such as the Mediterranean one, the best in the world. The Mediterranean diet protects more from diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Consuming lots of fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, extra virgin olive oil, legumes, cereals, wholemeal bread, eggs, yogurt, perhaps to accompany physical activity, is the best prevention.

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