Home » The Americas Summit refused to invite Cuba and other countries to criticize the President of Mexico: Why blatantly exclude other countries? _Xinhua Newspaper Network

The Americas Summit refused to invite Cuba and other countries to criticize the President of Mexico: Why blatantly exclude other countries? _Xinhua Newspaper Network

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The Americas Summit refused to invite Cuba and other countries to criticize the President of Mexico: Why blatantly exclude other countries? _Xinhua Newspaper Network

The Americas Summit refused to invite Cuba and other countries to criticize the President of Mexico: Why blatantly exclude other countries?

Mexican President announces at National Palace not to attend Americas summit

Overseas Network, June 8. The US government officially announced on the 6th that it would not invite the leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to attend the Summit of the Americas. According to Mexico’s mainstream magazine “Process” Weekly, on the morning of the 7th, Mexican President Lopez, who refused to attend the summit, criticized the US move at a morning meeting at the National Palace in Mexico City, and issued “Who authorized one country to blatantly exclude other countries?” ?” question.

Lopez announced at a press conference on the 6th that he himself had decided not to attend the Americas Summit in Los Angeles because the United States refused to invite all American leaders. On the 7th, Lopez reiterated this position: “Who authorizes a country to blatantly exclude other countries? Is there a “world government”? Obviously not. I will not attend the Summit of the Americas.” Lopez said that the United States ” Interventionism”, refusing to invite all member states to attend the summit on the grounds of so-called “dictatorship” or tensions, which neither respects the sovereignty and independence of other countries, but also avoids dialogue and consultation.

Lopez believes that the US foreign policy of refusing to invite Cuba and other countries to the Americas summit is based on the prejudice of Menendez, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He also condemned the economic embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba, which prevents the Cuban people from obtaining necessary food and medicine, and is a flagrant violation of human rights. At present, the presidents of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, the important cooperation countries of the United States on immigration issues, have refused to attend the summit. (Wang Xiaoyu from Overseas Network)

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