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Mancini “Forza Azzurri, we will honor the country”

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The national team coach “Our matches will be a moment of union and joy” ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Dear Italy, it seems an eternity has passed since we got the qualification that evening at the Olimpico against Greece, it was October 2019, we were elated and before us the opportunity to return to the Olimpico a few months later and take away a great sporting satisfaction with the traveling European Championship. 2020 had to be the year of great satisfaction, the year in which to share a joy together, but we all know how it went “. Thus begins a letter published by the national team coach Roberto Mancini on the eve of the debut at Euro2020 against Turkey. “It was a year in which we changed our habits, for some they were months away from the people we love, unfortunately someone has lost the people they love – continues Mancini – Months in which the simplest things have become complex. For no one. It was easy, yet each in their own way made it. The consequences of the global pandemic are still evident and we will have to be strong for a while “. “Sport in these moments, as I have said more than once, is an essential tool in our life – underlines Mancini – It can help us feel better, it can help us to temporarily disconnect from some complicated thoughts or moments. Sport can give us many emotions Positive. Never as now we need them so badly. Our National team, in the European Championship that will start in a few hours, is aware of representing a fantastic and determined people, and for this reason I, together with the staff and the 26 guys who will take the field, will exploit all the minutes of this event to honor the country we represent. We know that our matches will be a moment of union of millions of Italians. They will be moments of joy that for a moment will make us forget the year just ended. this manifestation aware of the strength of the blue jersey and of the Italian people. We will honor every minute, we will take the field with the carefree i are kids and we start playing football, but also with the responsibility of those who represent one of the strongest and most beautiful countries in the world. United under a single blue sky, wearing the blue shirt, let’s join together in a single chorus that unites more than 60 million Italians: FORZA AZZURRI! “. (ITALPRESS). Pal / gm / red 10-Jun-21 13:09

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