Home » [Foresight review]The worst plan?U.S. military aircraft enters Taiwan and opens infrared bomb hatch | C-17 transport aircraft | Waste green | Jiangsu and Zhejiang explosion of students

[Foresight review]The worst plan?U.S. military aircraft enters Taiwan and opens infrared bomb hatch | C-17 transport aircraft | Waste green | Jiangsu and Zhejiang explosion of students

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[New Tang Dynasty News from June 10, 2021, Beijing time]Hello, friends, today is June 9th (Wednesday), and welcome to “Foresight Quick Review”. My name is Tang Jingyuan.

Before starting today’s topic, there was a small omission in the previous program that needs to be corrected to friends. The three U.S. senators took the C-17 lightning to visit Taiwan. They only announced that they would assist Taiwan with 750,000 doses of vaccines. The vaccine itself did not follow the C-17 transport plane to Taiwan. I made a mistake in collecting information, and I hereby apologize to all my friends.

[The worst plan? U.S. military aircraft enters Taiwan to open the infrared bomb hatch]

This time the U.S. military plane entered Taiwan, the U.S. has prepared for the worst. After the three senators got off the plane, they took a group photo with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of China, Wu Zhaoxie, in front of the plane. Some military fans discovered that the “infrared jammer door” in the belly of the C-17 was open, indicating that the plane had been in “ready for war.”

In addition, during the landing and take-off of the C-17, the GDF-006 35mm double-barreled anti-aircraft anti-aircraft gun stationed at the Matsuyama Command also rarely entered the standby state, providing air defense alert for the C-17.

But the CCP’s response this time really surprised everyone. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned a blind eye and said nothing. The Ministry of National Defense only mentioned a “solitary protest” on official exchanges and military ties between the United States and Taiwan after being silent for three days, but it also avoided the keywords of red line and war. Don’t mention it.

This attitude forced Hu Xijin to use the ultimate ultimate move of “playing big chess”, and with a bitter smile, he passed the addiction of the leader of the “big chess party”. I even suspect that Hu Xijin will have an internal punishment-if he hadn’t drawn the red line on the basis of the Zhao family’s prerogatives, how could Xi Jinping make such a big prank, and let the deterrent signs accumulated over the years of harsh words hit this in an instant. In the hands of a minion who looks crooked and cracked?

Although Hu Xijin publicly claimed that he was the party’s watchdog, he actually acted more like an unwelcome pet dog who wanted to please the owner, but the only thing that impressed the owner the most was being forced Keep cleaning up the shit for him in public.


Hu Xijin’s problem lies in the fact that his surname is Hu, but he always thinks that he should be surnamed Zhao. The misplacement of this role is destined for him to be difficult to have good fruit. Speaking of role dislocation, let’s talk about the incident that just broke out in the mainland, the collective rights protection of students from many universities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The scale of this incident in the collective rights protection of the mainland people in recent years is not too big, but this time the rights protection incident has a very distinctive feature, that is, it almost occupies an overwhelming majority in the overseas public opinion field. All of them expressed their support for the CCP police to suppress these students.

The cause of this student rights protection incident is very simple. In May last year, the Ministry of Education issued the “Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Promotion of the Transition of Independent Colleges”, which proposed the transition path of “transition to private schools, to public schools, and termination of schools.” ; At the same time, for the independent college of the “school in the school” (no social partners, only organized by colleges and universities), it is proposed that “exploration and coordination of higher vocational and technical education resources in the province can be explored to merge and transfer”.

Therefore, the key word of this incident is actually this “independent college”. In the mainland, the vast majority of independent colleges are colleges and universities jointly run by ordinary universities and social organizations. Although the tuition fees of these colleges are higher than those of ordinary colleges and universities, most of them have low admission scores, and the graduation certificate will have the name of the famous university, so they are very popular with students.

Now, the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China wants to reorganize these colleges regardless of their motives. They must merge and reorganize. After the reorganization, students’ diploma levels will be downgraded, ordinary undergraduates will be downgraded to vocational undergraduates, and some even to junior college diplomas. This directly affects the future of students.

The vocational undergraduate school mentioned here is a new term that has only recently come up in mainland China. To put it simply, vocational undergraduates are slightly better than junior colleges, but much worse than ordinary undergraduates. For example, vocational undergraduate diplomas cannot be applied for civil service examinations, and two written examinations are required for postgraduate examinations, which are not accepted by some colleges and universities. In real life, if you are looking for a job, many companies treat vocational undergraduates as vocational school students, and do not even look at their resumes.

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This is of course not a trivial matter in the continent where the current employment pressure is unprecedentedly severe.

This incident, for some unknown reason, just after the June Fourth Movement and the advent of the college entrance examination in such a sensitive period, many colleges and universities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang suddenly began to promote this kind of transfer work, which resulted in a large number of students. Dissatisfaction and protests against rights protection.

Of course, after entering the mainland, the classic stability maintenance model has been repeatedly staged for an unknown number of times. The police entered the school and began to fight. The official mouthpiece claimed that the rights defending students were all thugs, colluding with foreign forces, undermining social stability, and so on.

On the face of it, the root cause of the incident is that the Chinese Communist government has turned back and forth, depriving students of their due rights. Of course, it is legitimate for students to defend their rights and deserve public support. But why is there almost overwhelming public opinion in favor of the police overseas?

The reason behind this is very simple: because many students were found to be little pink this time, they have strongly supported the Hong Kong police and chanted to suppress Hong Kong’s abolitionist youths. At the same time, they also supported Xinjiang Cotton and chanted the CCP’s ethnicity in Xinjiang. The act of extinction is a lie.

In other words, the position of many students has always been the position of the CCP. Even when they were defending their own rights, they did not forget to remind each other that we do not hate the party, we love the party and the government, and everyone must be careful not to hand knives to foreign forces and so on.

To be honest, this is what surprised many people. Surprised that the CCP’s brainwashing was so thorough, a group of people were beaten to the head by the CCP government’s violent machinery, and they were still shouting “We are not Hong Kong’s waste youth” and “We will always support the government.”

I have seen a lot of posts made by human rights students. They strictly distinguish between the police and the government. They say that the police are bad, not the government’s problem. They even separate the school from the police, saying that the school’s wrong policies led to the police. Wrongly hit an innocent student. But they cannot separate the CCP from China, and separate the government from the country.

From the posts, we can see that many students can circumvent the wall. They can see reports from foreign media, and they can also scold someone on Twitter. In other words, they are not completely in an information-closed environment. But from these many posts, we can see that these higher education students have serious obstacles in thinking.

Just now, we said that the policy of merging and transferring independent colleges is a document issued by the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China last year. It is an out-and-out government decision. The colleges just follow the rules. The police started the violent stability maintenance model because the government identified these rights protection students as “thugs.” As a government violent agency, the police must of course execute government orders to suppress them, and they also follow the rules.

This is common sense in political science. It is common sense that every student who has passed the college entrance examination can learn by heart. But many people turn around automatically when they get here, bypassing the government of policymakers, and only aim at the enforcers’ schools or the police. Is this because they lack the most basic logic? Of course not, they just lack basic courage.


This brings us back to the problem of role dislocation that we mentioned earlier. Of course, these students do not represent all students, but objectively speaking, their number and momentum dominate the rights protection students. While being beaten, they repeatedly declared that they were not Hong Kong Feiqing, only because deep down in their hearts they really believed that they were the Zhao family. At least, I think I am the one who deserves the Zhao family’s special consideration.

Therefore, even if they were beaten in the same way, they thought that the baton dropped by the Nanjing police was different from the baton dropped by the Hong Kong police on the heads of Hong Kong students. They believe that Hong Kong students deserved to be accused of “thug”, and they were wronged to be accused of “thug”. The reason is simple. Hong Kong youth are opposed to the Zhao family, and they support the Zhao family.

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This logic may seem reasonable at first, but they don’t understand. In the eyes of the CCP, anyone who does not obey the government’s orders is an anti-government and a mob. Whether you live in Hong Kong or Nanjing, the right to define this In the hands of the government. The CCP government says that you are a thug, and you are. This has nothing to do with whether you have been wronged or not, it is only related to the political needs of the CCP.

If we look at the root causes, there is actually no essential difference between the Hong Kong people’s resistance and the rights protection of Jiangsu and Zhejiang students. They are all caused by the CCP’s tearing up its promises and depriving the people of their legitimate rights and interests.

But from another angle, the difference between the two is very big. Hong Kong youths fight for universal suffrage and put forward five major demands, none of which is not for social justice. To put it in an exaggeration, they are rebels fighting against tyranny for the belief in universal values. Thousands of young people in Hong Kong have sacrificed their lives for the future of the city.

The human rights students in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are different. You can see from their self-maintaining words and deeds. They are defending tyranny, and their resistance is just to ask for a future from the tyranny that they have always supported. This future is what they think. As the supporters of the Zhao family, they deserve to be rewarded, but they did not expect the Zhao family to reduce the gold content of this return. This is the biggest difference between the two.

I don’t mean to accuse the students of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I just state a cruel fact. This fact tells us that these students are either suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and are really confused, or they are transformed into a group under the background of the CCP destroying their normal right and wrong discrimination and basic moral values. Carrying an exquisite rights activist who understands and pretends to be confused.

Now we see that the official suspension of the implementation of the “transfer”, but only suspended, not revoked. This is not that the CCP really gave in to these students. It is just that during the sensitive period of the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the Party, the relevant departments temporarily stopped troubles to avoid angering Zhongnanhai.

But everyone who has a little knowledge of the CCP may know that once this wave of turmoil passes, it may be a high probability to settle accounts and continue to promote the transfer after the autumn. For all the students who participated in this rights defense, no matter which family they believe they are, they are just a leek in the eyes of the CCP that they can harvest at any time, and their ending is destined.

Some of them may be able to wake up after experiencing this severe beating and realize that just two years ago today, when more than one million Hong Kong people took to the streets to fight for the rights they deserved, it was How was the CCP accused of being a mob and violently suppressed it. Of course, some people may never be able to wake up again.

We have said that the future of each life is chosen by oneself.

[The new version of Satellite Momentme passed the Big Mac Act]

Okay, let’s briefly talk about an important bill passed by the US Senate yesterday.

Just yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed the historic “American Innovation and Competition Act of 2021” with an overwhelming advantage of 68:32 votes, which quickly became the focus of major media reports.

What is special about this bill? First of all, the bill is based on the “Endless Frontier Act” we mentioned earlier, and integrates the “Strategic Competition Act 2021” and “China Challenge Act 2021” and other related legislations as amendments to integrate them into a multiple A Big Mac bill of more than 1,400 pages.

This is a rare package of bills aimed at a specific country in the history of the United States. It is also the first bill that the two parties in the United States have unanimously targeted the CCP in addition to human rights issues in recent years.

Secondly, this bill consists of six parts. The main core content of the bill is that the US government plans to invest more than US$250 billion in American technology, science, and research to maintain its competitiveness against the CCP in almost all high-tech fields.

These include the allocation of more than 50 billion U.S. dollars to strengthen competition in chips and 5G technology; the approved investment of approximately 190 billion U.S. dollars for artificial intelligence, semiconductors, quantum computing, advanced communications, biotechnology and advanced energy, and space and other key technology fields Technological innovation and research and development.

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In addition, the bill also involves advancing the “Indo-Pacific Strategy”, enhancing the leadership of the United States in international organizations and multilateral forums, as well as responding to the CCP’s human rights violations, cyber attacks, and Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Confucius Institutes in the United States. A series of problems propose countermeasures.

In a word, this is basically an official guidebook on how the United States will start a new cold war with the CCP (which is still officially called the US-China competition).

Although the bill was only passed in the Senate yesterday, it has yet to be passed by the House of Representatives before it can be signed by the President. However, judging from the fact that the bill passed in the Senate by a large margin, it is not difficult to gain broad support in the House of Representatives.

[5 Significances of “Super Star Wars Project”]

Then, some friends may ask, what is the special significance of this bill?

I think there are roughly the following points that highlight the uniqueness of this bill.

1. The bill will greatly enhance the role of the U.S. government in scientific research and increase the U.S. government’s support for science and technology, including promoting the development of science and technology through the “National Science Foundation”. Therefore, this can be said to be an American version of the “national system” in response to the threat of the CCP, and an American version of “concentrating power to do major things.”

This is one of the main reasons why the CCP feels panic, because the CCP has always regarded the national system as its unique advantage, and this advantage will shrink or even disappear drastically with the implementation of this bill.

2. This bill uses the power of six committees in the Senate, involving almost all members of the Senate. This marked the beginning of an era of comprehensive and systematic containment of the CCP in the United States from the legal level. You know, in American history, even at the peak of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, no similar bill was promulgated.

3. This bill will greatly intensify the decoupling of U.S.-China technology, and the major legal risks faced by CCP high-tech companies in the U.S. will rise sharply. In other words, the economic and trade relationship known as the ballast stone of the US-China relationship will be replaced by national security factors. Cases like Huawei’s prosecution and Meng Wanzhou’s arrest will become the new normal in the future.

4. The bill authorizes the President of the United States to use executive orders to decide to impose various sanctions, including export controls, trade bans, and property freezes, on any enterprise that receives subsidies from the Chinese government, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise. This is tantamount to annihilation for all enterprises that use government subsidies and rely on ultra-low-price dumping packages to conquer the world.

5. We all know that after the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite in 1957, the United States had a “satellite moment”, the whole country chased after it, and finally surpassed the Soviet Union with the Apollo moon landing as a sign. Yesterday this bill can be said to officially open the new version of the “satellite moment” in the United States, and at the same time it also marked the United States and China entering a new stage of the arms race.

In the arms race during the Cold War in the past, the center of competition was the nuclear arsenal. Now the center of competition is the huge high-tech industrial chain built with chips as the core. From this perspective, this bill is essentially a new version of the declaration of the arms race, or in other words, a new version of the “Star Wars Project.”

The Chinese Communist Party officially expressed strong dissatisfaction with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People’s Congress today, claiming that this bill “deprives China of its right to development through technology and economic decoupling,” and demanded that the US Congress immediately stop its deliberations.

Have you seen it, what is decoupling? It’s just that I don’t play with you anymore. I don’t help you anymore. We play our own games. It doesn’t matter if you have the ability to play with flowers.

What is a hooligan is that you must help me. If you don’t give it, you will be guilty, and you will deprive me of the right to development.

Just from the CCP’s disgusting response, we can conclude that the U.S. Congress has hit the key point this time and has done a good job.

Okay, today we’re talking about it, thank you for watching, and we’ll see you next time.

“Foresight Quick Review” Production Team

(Editor in charge: Li Hong)

The URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/06/10/a103139143.html

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