Home » Diabetes in the summer can be fought with 3 moves: here are which ones

Diabetes in the summer can be fought with 3 moves: here are which ones

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Diabetes in the summer can be fought with 3 moves: here are which ones

Diabetes in the summer can be fought with three moves: physical activity, the consumption of fresh and light foods and a life in the great outdoors. Fortunately, there is summer, he could say that he suffers from diabetes because thanks to the longer days and a more carefree lifestyle, diabetes problems can improve.

Among other things, a recent study carried out in Canada claims that sun exposure would favor the loss of adipose tissue, thanks to the action of the blue light of the sun which would dissolve the droplets of fat in smaller parts. The process, supported by a series of behaviors aimed at weight loss, would be more effective in summer than in winter when the sunlight has a lower intensity.

Physical activity and diabetes in the summer

Physical activity is a real help in fighting diabetes in the summer. Because there is more chance of sweating and therefore of eliminating the toxins present in our body and muscle tone sets the entire metabolism in motion. Thanks to regular sport we could lose weight even during sleep, as the body continues to burn fat.

We must be extremely careful to avoid dehydration and heat stroke. Diabetes causing small or high blood sugar spikes can quickly consume the water in our body. If we combine this with intense physical activity, we further lower the water reserves. Therefore, it can happen that we dehydrate rather quickly. In summer we should drink at least 2 liters of water a day and if we do sports we must get to 3 liters.

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Dehydration associated with heatstroke can be dangerous. We can suffer in the summer with greater intensity of hypotension especially when the blood sugar is lowered in the distance from meals. We avoid putting ourselves in dangerous situations and always look for shady areas, especially during the hottest hours.

Consume fresh and light foods

By exercising, we not only risk dehydration but also lose the contribution of minerals that are dispersed with sweat. For this we must increase the consumption of fresh foods such as vegetables, aromatic herbs and other macro nutrients that contain them. The first to abandon us is magnesium which is more easily consumed with high temperatures.

Magnesium is an essential mineral as it supports the function of almost all organs and tissues. In fact, it is called the mineral of sportsmen because it is they who have the greatest deficiency. If we do not particularly love fresh vegetables, we can take magnesium in the form of a natural supplement but we first ask our doctor for advice.

Life in the open air

Diabetes is the result of wrong attitudes such as an excessively sedentary life, a high-calorie diet and a stressful life. To be healthy, our body also needs an active and clear mind. When we are stressed, we produce a whole series of anxious states that undermine our well-being.

So let’s take advantage of the summer to heal our psychophysical well-being by meeting friends and choosing to have a more relaxed attitude. Diabetes also starts in the mind.

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