Home » Exit poll: Bucci, Lagalla and Biondi (center-right) ahead of Genoa, Palermo and L’Aquila. Tommasi (center left) in Verona

Exit poll: Bucci, Lagalla and Biondi (center-right) ahead of Genoa, Palermo and L’Aquila. Tommasi (center left) in Verona

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Exit poll: Bucci, Lagalla and Biondi (center-right) ahead of Genoa, Palermo and L’Aquila.  Tommasi (center left) in Verona

Center-right ahead of Genoa, L’Aquila, Catanzaro. Center-left ahead in Parma and (surprisingly) in Verona. Head to head in Palermo. This is the picture that emerges from the Opinio Rai exit polls at the close of the polls at 11 pm for the administrative elections which involved 971 Municipalities, with about 9 million people called to the polls. Pending the final figure, it should be noted that at 7 pm in the 818 municipalities managed by the Interior Ministry the turnout was 39.1% (at the previous homologations it was 42.5%).

Center-right ahead of Genoa, L’Aquila, Catanzaro

A Genova the outgoing mayor Marco Buccisupported by the center-right and by IV, is between 51% and 55%. And therefore risks winning in the first round against Ariel Dello Strologolawyer and president of the city’s Jewish community, supported by the center-left “campo largo” (from the Pd to the M5s), which stops between 36 and 40%. Center-right ahead also a the Eagle where the outgoing first citizen Pierluigi Biondi (Brothers of Italy) is among the49% and 53%. And therefore he too sees the possibility of a victory in the first round. While rival Stefania Pezzopane (Pd) supported by M5S (but without symbol) and by Iv, stops between 23% and 27%. A Catanzaro the centrist Valerio Donato (supported by Forza Italia and Lega, but not by Fdi) is ahead (40%-44%) are Nicola Fiorita (31% -35%) at the helm of a broad center-left coalition ranging from the Democratic Party to De Magistris to the 5-Star in Leu.

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Head to head in Palermo

In Palermo, according to the electoral law, 40% is enough to avoid the ballot. Here the former rector and former regional councilor Roberto Lagalla (Lega, FdI and Fi) is between 39% and 43%. He could also win in the first round. But the rival Franco Micelipresident of the order of architects, supported by Pd and M5s is close (between 37% and 41%). Therefore the game remains open.

Center-left ahead in Verona and Parma

A Verona (historic stronghold of the center-right) surprisingly the candidate of the center-left has the advantage Damiano Tommasi (37%-41%), who took advantage of the split in the center right. The outgoing mayor Federico Sboarinasupported by the Brothers of Italy and the Lega is between 27% and 31%. While the former mayor and former Northern League Flavio Tosi (supported by Forza Italia and the Renzians) is immediately behind (between 25% and 29%). A Parmainstead, Michele Guerra (Federico Pizzarotti’s dolphin) also supported by the Democratic Party (which signed an alliance with “Effetto Parma”, the civic movement founded by Pizzarotti after his exit from the M5s) is ahead (between the 40% and 44%) on the former center-right mayor Pietro Vignali (supported by Fi and Lega but not by Fdi) stopped between 19% and 23%.

16 capitals of the center-right and 4 of the center-left

The first administrative shift concerns 971 municipalities, of which 829 with a population equal to or less than 15,000 inhabitants and 142 over 15,000 inhabitants. In the latter, the electoral system provides for a ballot in the event that no candidate exceeds 50% of the votes in the first round. In particular, 22 provincial capitals and 4 regional capitals are called to vote. Among the capitals, 16 are governed by the center-right (Alessandria, Asti, Catanzaro, Como, Frosinone, Genoa, Gorizia, L’Aquila, La Spezia, Lodi, Monza, Oristano, Piacenza, Pistoia, Rieti and Verona), 4 by the center-left ( Cuneo, Lucca, Padua and Palermo), 2 from civic coalitions (Belluno and Parma), while 4 are those in the commissariats (Barletta and Taranto after a vote of no confidence, Messina and Viterbo due to the resignation of the mayor).

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