Home » National day against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma: how treatment changes

National day against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma: how treatment changes

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National day against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma: how treatment changes

As every year, on 21 June AIL celebrates the National Day for the fight against Leukemia, Lymphomas and Myeloma. An opportunity to tell about the progress of research in hematology and to send an important message to all patients and their families: that they are not alone in their battle against blood cancers.

The conference on scientific news

Only a few days ago the news of Giovanni Allevi struck by multiple myeloma has rocked the world of music and beyond. In Italy about 5,800 people receive the same diagnosis every year. We are talking about a disease that up to a couple of decades ago had no possibility of a cure, while today, thanks to research, there are many therapies and even in the most difficult cases we can speak of chronicity. The same can be said for many other onco-haematological diseases. To remember this and make a point on how the treatment for blood cancers is changing, the AIL has organized a medical-scientific conference which will be attended by Italian hematologists and representatives of the non-profit world. The event “AIL and Italian Hematology: a concrete alliance that looks to the future. Therapeutic revolutions and new milestones in the treatment of blood cancers “, can be followed online, live starting at 11 am, on the association’s Facebook and Youtube channels.

Multiple myeloma, towards chronicization thanks to innovative therapies

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In particular, it will take stock of the therapeutic novelties in acute lymphoid and myeloid leukemias, lymphomas, myelodysplasias and myeloma; on the organizational management of CAR-T therapies in the Italian transplant reality, and on smart drugs. One focus will be on independent clinical research and one on AIL’s commitment to research and young researchers. Finally, important connoisseurs of the world of the Third sector will take stock of the health policies currently in place in Italy, on AIL’s commitment to patients, on the importance of giving and volunteering for the social stability of our country and on the importance of figure of the psychologist alongside the haematological patient and his family (program here).

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I activate the toll-free number for patients

Furthermore, from 8 to 20, the toll-free number – AIL haematological problems (800 22 65 24) will be active: a completely free call center available to patients and family members. Eight of the most important Italian haematologists and a pool of other specialists will be online throughout the day to offer advice on the disease and on the treatment centers present throughout the country

Events of the provincial sections of the AIL

Furthermore, the provincial AIL offices will organize meetings and conferences to inform patients and talk about the association’s commitment in the area (here the local programs). The day will also be an opportunity to talk about the commitment of the 82 AIL sections in favor of patients and their families, a support that has never stopped even in the most critical phases of the Covid-19 emergency: the service has been enhanced home care, support for blood centers and information support services dedicated to patients and caregivers.

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