Home » China Disease Control: The doubling of the transmission capacity of the strain that caused the Guangzhou epidemic is currently the strongest-Guangzhou, the new crown virus-Kuai Technology (media under Drive House)-Technology changes the future

China Disease Control: The doubling of the transmission capacity of the strain that caused the Guangzhou epidemic is currently the strongest-Guangzhou, the new crown virus-Kuai Technology (media under Drive House)-Technology changes the future

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According to the latest report on the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Guangdong Province, from 0-24 o’clock on June 10, there were 9 newly confirmed local cases in the province, all of which were reported in Guangzhou.

Today (June 11) afternoon, the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference to introduce the situation of epidemic prevention and control and vaccination.

Feng Zijian, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out at the meeting that Guangzhou has recently implemented strict prevention and control strategies and measures.The epidemic prevention and control situation has tended to ease, and it is developing in a very positive direction. The epidemic is in a controllable state, and the current risk is still imported from abroad.

Feng Zijian said,The outbreak in Guangzhou this time was caused by the B.1.617.2 mutant strain that was first discovered in India.The World Health Organization recently named it the Delta mutant (which is named after the Latin alphabet alpha, beta, and delta), and the alpha mutant is actually the first B.1.1.7 mutant found in the United Kingdom.

According to the data of the previous foreign research, the research on its transmission ability, cure rate, virulence rate, and immune escape has been continuously updated recently.

According to the existing research data, this mutant strain has a strong transmission ability and is the strongest among the several VOCs that have been identified so far. The transmission ability is 100% higher than that of the old strains in the past, and it is better than the first discovered in the United Kingdom. The transmission capacity of the virus strain has increased by more than 40%.

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Feng Zijian pointed out that the current risk my country faces is still imported from abroad, and my country is still in the normalized prevention and control stage of “defense from foreign imports and rebound from within”.


Please indicate the source for reprinting: Fast Technology

#Guangzhou#New coronal disease

Editor in charge: Jian Jia


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